Why Hong Kong needs to Invest in Cloud Computing providers
If you ask ten technology experts to define cloud computing, you might get ten different answers. However, the fact is still that cloud is the way to go and now it is up to the consumers to participate in the growth of cloud. Read this article to know why and how to do that.
Cloud computing providers have been investing in the Hong Kong markets in recent years at a much faster rate than they have been doing in most countries. This is because Hong Kong is one of the Asian economic powerhouses that have made themselves ready for this particular technology. The reality is that it is now upon consumers in this market to invest in these service providers if the service is to get much better. The computing users need to become more involved in the development of these solutions if they are to get better services.How should consumers invest in cloud technology?
There are two main ways that consumers in the market can invest in this technology, these are:- Increased uptake of cloud technology
If you ask any cloud computing company about the hardest part of their operations, they will tell you that it is not developing cloud solutions but rather getting the consumers in the market to use them. There are so many companies that have struggled not because they lacked good solutions but rather because the consumers were unwilling to try out these services. The Hong Kong market has already been at the forefront of cloud technology and has seen what it is capable of. It is time that they invested in it by using it to replace legacy systems that do not have as much value. The cloud is quite affordable, responsive, powerful and not to mention easily scalable making it far better than legacy systems.Provide feedback on cloud technology
Beta testing of cloud technology is a difficult process. This is because when done in the software development labs, it does not mirror the real life scenarios where these solutions will be used by consumers. The best way for cloud service providers to get useful feedback is to place cloud solutions on public clouds for consumers to act as their beta testers. This has to get the support of the computing users in the market if it is to be fruitful.
It does have two main advantages. First, crowd sourced beta testing on cloud platforms increases the reach of the cloud solution. This ensures that the testing is as thorough and varied as possible. These users will be accessing the cloud on different systems and using a different set of hardware, software, and networking solutions. This means that the cloud will be thoroughly tested in most of the possible scenarios where it can be used. This makes such feedback accurate and thorough, therefore, extremely beneficial to the company. Secondly, crowd sourcing means that the company is able to save their resources, which helps their bottom line. These resources can now be used for developing other aspects of the solution. What benefits will Hong Kong consumers get from investing in cloud computing providers?
Improved cloud solutions
Most consumers agree that cloud solutions can be improved, especially in terms of customizable features. They have noted that the solutions that allow them to make customizations are quite powerful and enable them to accomplish more. The problem arises in that these solutions can be a bit expensive for any company to acquire. If the consumers invest in cloud tech as shown above, it will be possible for a cloud computing company to create preset choices in their cloud solutions that are industry specific. This amounts to a low level of customization and a high level of response.Cheaper cloud technology
Cloud computing providers will be able to lower the cost of their solutions if they are able to get a reliable beta testing platform in the user cloud. This benefit will be passed on to the consumer in the form of cheaper cloud solutions.