Can we use 2 different AdSense account Ads in the same page?

Are you wondering if you can use AdSense Ads from two different AdSense accounts in the same web page or blog post? Learn the Google policies regarding using multiple AdSense accounts in the same page.

It was a violation in the past to show Ads from multiple AdSense accounts in the same page. Google has changed the policies a while back and now you can use multiple AdSense account ads in the same page. However, the total number of Ad units you can display in a page remains the same, which is 3 content ad units, 3 link ad units and 2 search boxes.

This is what Google says in the program policies regarding using AdSense ads from different AdSense accounts in the same page:

Multiple AdSense account ads in the same page

According to the program policies, you can place Ads from multiple accounts in the same page, but each publisher will be responsible for ensuring that the page is in compliance with Google policies.

Share your blogging revenue with your partners by using their AdSense accounts

If you have partners or contributors for your blog and like to split the revenue between multiple people, there are couple of ways to achieve this:

1. Use "AdSense Host APIs" to split the revenue from each ad unit. This is the recommended way to split the revenue between multiple people in a blog or website. However, this require sophisticated implementation and special approval from Google. One of the criteria to apply for this program is to have 100,000 page views per day. Currently, is the only Indian website that is approved by Google to share revenue using this method.

2. Rotate AdSense accounts: This is one of the most common method used by webmasters to share revenue with the content contributors and partners. In this case, Ads from one of the contributors/partners will be used in rotation. The webmaster and contributors/partners will agree upon how much percentage of the Ad impressions each of them will get. Each AdSense account will earn only if they get clicks on their Ads. In case of custom designed websites, a custom implementation will be required to do this kind of rotation. Popular CMS platforms like WordPress have several pluggins that make it easier to do it.

3. In each page, use Ad units of all contributors. For example, if you have 3 contributors, you can use 1 content ad unit and 1 link unit of each, thus making each page have ad units from 3 different AdSense accounts.

Read more about AdSense policies and find some AdSense tips to improve your earnings.

Article by Tony John
Tony John is a professional blogger from India, who started his first Weblog in 1998 at Tony switched to blogging as a passion blended business in the year 2000 and currently operates several popular web properties including,, and many more.

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