How to Convert Exchange EDB into Outlook PST Format?

ExMerge.exe is an inbuilt tool provided by Microsoft that helps in performing Exchange Migration when needed. The tool requires some technical expertise along with certain specific skill set and has few limitations. On the other hand, specifically designed automated solutions for Exchange migration and repair issues takes less time compared to native inbuilt tools.

Exchange Server works in collaboration with MS Outlook for proper email communication. Every email that is received or sent from the mailbox gets saved in Exchange Database Files as well. These EDB files act as boon in mailbox damage cases. Trouble arises when these files get damaged under severe crash situations. At times, performing any such operation like exchange recovery and migration also becomes difficult.

Microsoft provides "ExMerge.exe" - an inbuilt tool to deal with such damage situations. "ExMerge.exe" is used to extract data from mailboxes on a MS Exchange Server. It copies data from the source server into required PST file and makes it easy for the user to perform Exchange Repair.It can easily import data to PST file. It helps in avoiding duplicate messages when exporting data from Exchange Server. ExMerge.exe can also be used as brick level backup solution when required.

ExMerge.exe can be used to restore single/multiple/selected or all mailbox migration stored in Exchange Server. However, talking in context of repairing damaged Exchange files or converting items from EDB to PST, you first need to install ExMerge.exe utility if you do not have it. But, before running exmerge, there are a few important aspects that you require to keep in mind. Once you have downloaded Exmerge, you got to extract it into the C:\Program Files\ExchSrvr\Bin folder to allow it to run. It is important to do so as it relies on DLL's in this folder. The other alternative you could have is adding this path in to the Environment Variables, but this approach necessitates a reboot to take effect. Once it is downloaded, click on Run and follow the instructions.

After the completion of installation, log into the Exchange Server account with Exchange Administrator rights. Now, open ExMerge.exe on your local server and select Extract or Import.

Please select to procedure

Click on Extract data from an Exchange Server mailbox

Click on Extract data  from an Exchange mailbox

Choose the "Archive data to the target store"

Select the Archive data to the target store

Fill in the data selection criteria and click on next

data selection criteria

Select mailbox to be exported and click Next

Select the mailboxes

Choose the Target directory, click next and the process shall be started

Choose the Target directory

You get the following screen that shows migration process

shows migration process status

On clicking finish, entire migration process comes successfully gets completed.

In order to install ExMerge.exe utility, you must have Exchange server 2003 (along with admin tools of Exchange 2003) already installed on your system. It takes almost 45 minutes to perform complete migration and the tool has few limitations as well. ExMerge.exe utility does not support public folder export and works only with mailboxes. The tool has a 2GB limitation on the Exchange migration as well. However, such limitations can be easily tackled by using automated exchange server recovery solution like The software facilitates addition of entire mailboxes or selected mailbox items to a newly created PST or an existing PST file. In addition, the tool has got an excellent advance filter option that allows exporting of mailboxes from EDB to PST based upon the filtration done as per Folder, include/exclude data within a date range. Along with that, if a situation demands for multiple mailbox migration instantly then the tool can be worth enough to handle such situation as well.


Guest Author: harsha17 Mar 2015

Powerful EDB to PST converter tool is available with free demo version. The software repair and recover all over EDB file data from MS exchange server and then convert into PST, EML, MSG, Text, RTF and HTML file format.

Author: Anthony Devid20 Mar 2015 Member Level: Bronze   Points : 1

The Exchange users can use PDS best EDB Repair Software if they want to repair corrupted Exchange EDB File and recover Outlook EDB file into PST File with email properties- To, Cc, Bcc, Subject, Date, and Time in just few minutes. By taking help of Exchange EDB file repair Software you can recover EDB File and convert Exchange EDB to PST without any obstruction.

Guest Author: PatrickMyagkov05 Oct 2015

The best solution to export mailbox to PST format is to utilize a manual tool called PowerShell. By using syntax like NewMailboxExport, exchange EDB records can be exported to PST format.

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