Hands-on review of Samsung 9000 mAh Power Bank/External Battery

In this article, I'll be reviewing the high capacity 9000mAh power bank by Samsung. Read this article if you're planning to buy a power bank and are looking for good options.

I own a Motorola Moto G and recently compared it to the Moto E on this website. I also own a Nexus 7 tablet and another smartphone by Samsung. I work for an organisation that makes me travel a lot to different places, so a digital camera is always part of my trips. With so many devices around you, a high capacity power bank is an absolute necessity to have in your bag.

As we all know, there are plenty of choices available in the market these days when it comes to power banks. You can easily get them in various capacities, from a decent 2000mAh power bank that can charge your device once to an ultra high 20,400mAh that can charge your device 10 times. Keeping in mind my usage and requirement, I finalized the 9000mAh power bank by Samsung. A swipe of Rs.3,200 on my credit card and it was delivered to me within 3 days. The official pricing on the box is Rs.3999.

Buy Samsang Powerbank from Amazon

My decision to select this particular power bank was due to three reasons:

1. High capacity (9000mAh)
2. Decently priced.
3. Samsung brand.

Samsung Power Bank box

The box contains:

1. A white coloured Power Bank with Samsung branding.
2. A Usage guide.
3. A USB to micro USB cable.
4. A USB to a 30-pin proprietary Samsung cable.

Contents in the box

That's it! I honestly expected Samsung to include a charger to charge this power bank as well, but they didn't. Samsung knows that every house now days has at least one Samsung device, so its pointless to include another Samsung charger. And they were right, I'm now using my Samsung Galaxy S1 is charger to charge this Power Bank as well.

The device feels pretty light for its capacity, I expected it to be a little bulkier. There are four indicator lights in the front that light up green when discharging and red when being charged. The number of indicator lights indicate the available charge in the power bank. On the top right corner is a Power On/Off switch. This is pretty useful as it switches the device off and reduces power loss. At the bottom we have two ports, a usb port as output and a micro-usb port as input. The input port will charge the power bank itself and the output port will charge other devices.

Red indicator lights

Ports and Power switch

This device took around 10 hours to charge itself from zero to full. Although there's no indication that tells us that it is fully charged, I removed it from the AC wall socket when it displayed four red indicator lights. On a full charge, I was able to charge all three of my devices one after the other with one green indicator light still available on the power bank. Pretty impressive! Taking power loss into account, this power bank was able to give back 7000mAh as output with around 1000-1500mAh of juice still available. Also, the output this power bank gives out is 1.8A, which means it will charge your smartphone at almost double the speed of your normal 1.0A wall charger.

Green indicator lights

On my recent trip to Singapore, I was able to carry it in my hand baggage without any security issue. Sometimes the x-ray machines at the airport don't allow batteries as hand baggage, there was no such problem here. Overall, I'm very happy with my purchase and would recommend this product to all of you. Just be cautious of where you buy it from as there are plenty of fake/duplicate versions of this product available online for as low as Rs.1000.

I hope this review was useful, please let me know in the comment section below if you have any questions and I will be happy to answer them. Thanks for reading!

Read Hands-on Review of the 2500 mAh power bank from Astrum (Lithium-Polymer)

Article by Amit
An avid Photographer, Traveller, Youtuber, loves flying and enjoys a good conversation on technology.

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Guest Author: john899031 Jul 2014

I've bought Samsung power bank as above. While charging its showing only 4 red lights and nothing else. I charged it for 10 hrs+ but still when I turn it on it gets off. What to do?

Guest Author: Raj01 Aug 2014

Where did you buy it from and how much did you pay for it?

Author: Amit01 Aug 2014 Member Level: Gold   Points : 3

Varun, as I mentioned in the article, there are plenty of fake/duplicate versions available in the market for this particular product. Please let me know what price did you pay for this power bank and where did you buy it from? I think there is a chance that the one you have is a fake one.

There is another way to check if the power bank is genuine or fake, will let you know once you reply to the above question.

Guest Author: 01 Aug 2014

I have bought it from an online selling website named Tr***s at a price 1300 rs. How would I check it whether it is original or not?

Author: Amit02 Aug 2014 Member Level: Gold   Points : 5

Tr***s in known to supply fake/substandard products through sellers. The original price for a genuine Samsung Power Bank is around Rs.3900 from Samsung stores and around Rs. 3400-3900 through Flipkart.

Few things to check for genuinity:

1. One of the two cables you've received must have Samsung branding on it, please check the spelling of Samsung. Is it Samsung or Samsnug?

2. Check for the serial number behind the power bank. If there's no serial number, its a fake.

3. Check for the serial number on the bill, if there isn't one, its a fake.

4. Go back to the webpage where you bought it from and read all details carefully, if the warranty offered is 'Seller warranty' or 'No warranty', its a fake.

Please revert back with the findings.

Guest Author: Jozzee03 Sep 2014

Can we charge Iphone with this Samsung power bank

Guest Author: Dr Chanchal04 Nov 2014

Is this power bank not capable to charge a tablet? I have a Samsung tab3 & it is not able to charge it completely.

Guest Author: Archie12 Nov 2014

Is this unit that is being advertised in Laz**a.com.ph is safe? Because in the details, it has no indication of warranties. Though you can send it back to them if you aren't satisfied on the product.

Guest Author: shaik khaja mohiddin30 Jan 2015

I Have Brought a Samsung 9000 maH Power Bank...
The Problem Is I Have Kept in charge For Almost 20 Hours..
although only 3 red lights were lighting up ..
why not all the four ?

Guest Author: Danya11 Feb 2015

Hello, In ebay this product is available for 499 - 599. Can this product be ordered from ebay.

Guest Author: mishika Singh16 Feb 2015

I have purchased this product from Snapdeal at price of Rs.800/- due to discount but it's original price was Rs.3000/- so please let me know that is it a fake product or original?

Guest Author: Rajesh17 Feb 2015

Thanks for sharing this very important article. This device is very useful for the people who are regularly travelling. What is the price and specifications, features of the latest model of Samsung External Battery pack.

Author: Timmappa Kamat26 Feb 2015 Member Level: Gold   Points : 3

I have long been searching for a good powerbank for three of my smartphones - mine, wife's and son's - which will be handy while on travel. In these days of constantly staying connected to internet, battery does not stay for long. A power bank is must in your travel bag. Your review has really been truly helpful.

Guest Author: Jagpaul singh02 Mar 2015

I have purchased a Samsung eternal battery pack (model :L011 Input: 5.0V=1A output : 5.0v @=2A capacity: 9000mAh made in Korea). But this time when I have charged it, no red or green light shown - only blue light is shown. This battery pack charges only one mobile charge & after that it will be dead. Tell me this is original or not?

Guest Author: Afaque04 Apr 2015

Hello All,

I bought this powerbank from askme but it has a torch light at top and the cable also do not have samsung branding also there was no 30pin connector as described in package. 1200rs i paid for it... I hink its a fake one..

Guest Author: jayantha23 Apr 2015

I also have purchased a Samsung eternal battery pack (model :L011 Input: 5.0V=1A output : 5.0v @=2A capacity: 9000mAh made in Korea). But this time when I have charged it, no red or green light shown - only blue light is shown. This battery pack charges only one mobile charge & after that it will be dead. Tell me this is original or not? It is the same problem like Jagpaul Singh's problem.

Guest Author: TILAK GHOSH15 May 2015

I seems to be a fake and not original. I got duped. I ordered through online shopping a Samsung original universal battery pack but I recieved model :L011 Input: 5.0V=1A output : 5.0v @=2A capacity: 9000mAh made in Korea. When I charged it, no red or green light shown - only blue light is shown. This battery pack charges only one mobile charge & after that it will be dead. Tell me this is original or not?

Guest Author: 19 May 2015

I also have purchased a Samsung eternal battery pack (model :L011 Input: 5.0V=1Aoutput : 5.0v @=2A capacity: 9000mAh made in Korea). But this time when I have charged it, no red or green light shown - only blue light is shown. This battery pack charges only one mobile charge & after that it will be dead, and I found one solution for this. Remove back panel and see inside of your power bank that the battery connected only one battery bar, but that has two more battery bars that are without connection. The two more battery will be connected to circuit board and charge it - after that its works well.

Guest Author: Azeem23 Jun 2015

Is this Samsung Power Bank compatible for Apple iPhones?

Guest Author: raj29 Jun 2015

I bought the battery online at the rate of 1000rs. It shows blue light and charged in one hour only, but when I charge my phone by it, only Rs.40 charged and then it goes dead. Sois it fake?

Guest Author: vinay19 Jul 2015

I also have the same problem. Can you tell me how you connected those batteries with the circuit board?

Guest Author: ruata28 Jul 2015

I am about to purchase and already ordered an Mi 10400 mAH power bank with Samsung 9000mAH power bank with earphone from yepyou.in at a price of Rs.698. Please give me suggestion on if I am making the right or wrong choice/decision.

Guest Author: rohan07 Aug 2015

Do not buy Samsung 9000mAh power bank online - absolutely not!

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