Most used free Mozilla Firefox addons in 2014
Firefox is the most commonly used browser worldwide. Download Firefox add-ons to make your internet browsing activities more secure than earlier. Mozilla Firefox has thousands of add-ons. Out of these, I am discussing about the top used Firefox add-ons which are free to download from Mozilla Firefox add-on store.
To navigate on internet we need one navigator. If you choose Firefox as your browser, you can use some of these Add-ons to make your browsing activity faster, smarter and easier than ever before. There are many add-ons and each has different purpose. For example, while one is used if you want to chat with your friends by using Google+ and Facebook at a time in a single page; another is required if you want to see YouTube videos automatically in HD quality. Let's get into a detailed explanation to know more about Mozilla Firefox Add-ons.How to chat with your friends in a single page
Usually it is not possible to see more than one tab at a time in any browser, but it is possible in Firefox by using special add-on "Tile tab". With this you can see multiple tabs at a time and perform multiple works like chatting with your friends by using Google+ and Facebook or we can watch Youtube videos in one tab and browse the internet by using another tab.How to add this "Tile tab" to your browser
How to watch YouTube video automatically in HD
Generally, if we open any video on YouTube it will play in default video quality and we have to change it if we want to see the video in HD quality. Without doing all these things use "YouTube high definition" add-on to your browser. With this you can watch all your videos in HD quality and you can customize the quality of the video as you like. You can watch YouTube video in full screen without change of any quality. You can download and attach this add-on directly from a Firefox add on store. How to do private internet browsing
We use private browsing to hide our browsing history, keywords from others. To do this we have built in feature in Firefox; if we enable this option a new window will open from there we have to start private browsing. If you want to browse privately without opening new tab here is an add-on for you "Private Tab". With this add-on you can browse internet privately without going for new window and you can enable or stop this option any time in your browser without affecting your work.How to print web pageSometimes we need to take the printout of particular Web Pages we browse but so much unwanted content will be there on the webpage like ads, other navigation icons or side bars etc which we do not want to print. For this, we have separate add-on "Print Edit". Once you integrate this with your browse, it will appear as a separate icon in the tool bar. If you want to print any particular page, just open that page and click on that icon, it will preview entire page you want to print. Just delete all unwanted content by pointing it out with your mouse.
How to make text bigger in a web page
For aged people it is difficult to read the text on default front. It's also not practical to change the front of each page we browse. To overcome this problem, here is an add-on "Them front and size changer". Once you add this to your browser a special icon appears in the tool bar with which you can customize the theme and the size of the letters on the web page. Once you set a particular size for the text, it will apply to all the browsing activity. Not only the size and theme, we can change the background and color of the text in any web page.
How to make text bigger in a web page.
Some more free ad-on for the Firefox browser:
Like these so many add-ons are there to make our browsing activity faster, easier and more reliable. One major drawback with this add-on are if you add too many add-on then browser take time to start and even it will increase the page load time. So select the add-on which is use full to you and disabled all the unwanted add-on, so that it will make the browsing activity faster. Later you can enable them according to your use.