How to design web pages so as to get maximum ranking in search engines
Are you looking for ways to increase ranking in search engines? Read this article to know how some design incorporations while developing your website can help you increase traffic greatly.
There is no across-the-spectrum simple solution for an ideal web page design that works well on all the search engines. Different engines have different priorities. To increase the odds that your web page will receive good number of ten search engine hits and grab interest from most sources, one must include as many design elements as possible in your web page.Design elements to incorporate in your web page
There are some design elements one must focus on and incorporate in their web pages well to increase the rankings. These are discussed below in detail.
Search engines look for keywords in several locations: TITLE, META keywords, description and content. Make the keywords as descriptive as possible. Search engines first of all look at your title. Then, they assign relevance to those keywords which are located near the top of web page. If you bypass using a header in favor of an image, do include the primary keywords in ALT text. Some search engines also overlook this information but it is always better to be on the safer side. Keywords can't be ignored and one must spend as much as time in refining the keywords as you do writing your content. Some spiders give less relevance to old web pages but you can overcome this by periodically changing the title of your web page. Even if the rest of the content remains the same, changing the title will make the spider see it as an updated website. If you have less idea on how to select keywords, visit the official website of McKinley. The site gives an updated list (every 15 seconds) of keywords used by search engines.
Let me first clear that not all search engines consider META keywords and descriptions. But there are many that do consider. When creating META content, supplement keywords so that you can compensate for those variations not included in the page content. META content gives a way to put more relevant text near the top of the page, ahead JavaScript, FRAME tags or TABLE elements that might interfere with how an engine views your web page. Create relevant META tags by taking advantage of META building sites. For help, you can visit the official website of Vancouver Webpages. This page consists of fill in the blanks forms, some of which include drop down menus from which content can be chosen. Some search engines are also case sensitive. Another helpful website for such resources is Searchenginewatch. Make sure that you do not repeat keywords. Your readers may not notice such repetition but spider does. For a META description, count the characters in the content and limit them to 200. For META keywords, limit them to 1000. If more than seven variations of a single word are used, search engines disregard that word completely.
Because of the way a spider reads HTML, Tables push content further down the page. Relevancy is ranked on how close to the top of the page, the key content occurs. It is always helpful to use Tables on your website.
Large sections of JavaScript have a similar impact as Tables. Thus, whenever possible, place such code further down the page so that the spider sees the text information first. If your design specifics do not permit this, META tags can help compensate for this by giving a boost to relevancy ratings.
HTML Links
Some spiders can't follow an image-map. Thus, if you do not provide HTML hyperlinks, it won't make it in your website. Then, it won't look around to index your pages. Also, remember that search engines can't cope with pages created via CGI and database delivery. So, create static pages.
Not all search engines understand Frames. The best case can be that the engines treat your frame as a link and just review and index the main page and then return later to index each individual frame. But the worst case is that your content gets recorded as 'Sorry! You need a frames-compatible browser to view this site'. This happens if this is the only information you are providing between NOFRAMES tags. Copy the content from your page and place it between the NOFRAMES tags. Include text links at the end of your content so that the spider can continue to crawl through the rest of the website. Though it is considered bad HTML to add a TITLE to the page used to form a frame, it does not affect how Internet Explorer or Netscape display the page. This gives another relevancy boost. Note that the NOFRAMES information cannot come before the first FRAMESET tag and doing this will disable the frame in Netscape Navigator. People with frames compatible browsers will land at your website through back door and linking in that way implies that they will view the page outside of your frames. This occurs only on the first page. Developers can lead web page visitors in to their framed site by creating HREF = "index. html" TARGET = " _ top" links.
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