Tips for customization of Facebook

Are you one of the millions of Facebook users? Interested in changing the look and feel of Facebook? Please read further to know some useful tips for customization of Facebook features like background, colors of Facebook profile page, Facebook Chat window, etc.

Want to customize background of Facebook profile page? Want to improve Facebook chat?

The craze for Social networking has spread like a virus and most internet-savvy people around the world have realized the importance of having an active social networking profile on sites like Facebook. Facebook is being used regularly by millions across the globe. After using Facebook for a while, some of us might get bored with the same background theme, same profile background, same colors, etc. on our Facebook account. To make social networking on Facebook exciting, it has now become necessary to have options for changing the look and feel of Facebook. You will be glad to know that it is possible to change Facebook profile page background as well as background of other Facebook pages. Similarly, it is also possible to add some customization to your Facebook chat to make the Facebook chat experience more vibrant and colorful for yourself. In this article, we shall discuss different ways of customizing Facebook background colors, themes and Facebook chat and also show how to download and install such customization utilities.

Customizing Facebook Background and Color

Are you bored of watching the typical white background theme of your Facebook profile and Facebook wall? Do you feel the need to try different background themes and colors for your Facebook account? If yes, you will be excited to know that you can customize your Facebook background colors and themes. However, this customized Facebook look will be visible only to you in most cases.

  • For Google Chrome browser users, there is a browser extension app called "Facebook Background Changer" available for background customizing purpose. One can simply download this browser app from Google Chrome web store for free. Upon successful installation, a new Facebook Changer icon will be added on the address bar of your Google Chrome browser. This icon will be visible every time you log in to your Facebook account. You can then select a background image layout for your account from a vast number of background images available. One can even keep any image stored on his desktop as the background image using this app. Depending on your preference, you can also opt to change the color of the header bar (which is of blue color by default) appearing on every Facebook page that you open. This browser app is not affiliated to Facebook and it provides good optimization for Facebook Timeline.

  • For users of Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, there is a browser extension app named "Stylish (a user styles manager)" available for installing themes and skins for Facebook, Google, YouTube, etc. This app allows users to manage several user styles. This browser extension also has a companion website that contains thousands of user styles created by other Stylish users that one can use. Also, if you have some basic knowledge of CSS, you can create custom user styles or skins using Stylish browse application.

  • If you are using Greasemonkey, you can opt for "Auto-colorizer for Facebook" script to change the colors used for your Facebook account pages.

Customizing Facebook Chat

Many of us have a long list of Facebook friends and choose to use Facebook chat for staying in touch with them. Even this chat interface seems monotonous after a while and we might want to customize it completely as per our preference. I have listed one useful Facebook chat customizing trick below:

This is possible only for Google Chrome users by installing "Pretty Facebook Chat" browser extension application from Google Chrome web store. Once this app is successfully installed, a related icon will appear in the address bar of Chrome browser as well as near our Facebook chat window at the bottom right-hand corner of our browser. It provides several additional memes, emoticons, special letters, etc. to enhance our chatting experience. One can customize the chat messages using separate options for text size, font, color, etc. Even the Facebook chat window can be completely customized in terms of size, theme, shadow, etc. Thus, Pretty Facebook Chat browser extension helps to prettify Facebook chat completely.

You can even follow further details about this Google Chrome extension on the Facebook page Pretty Facebook Chat.


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