5 games that make you proud to be a gamer

PC and console gaming has been around for more than 2 decades now and yet, the unclear and moot point is, which games are best? It's not about being best, it's about the experience and creating worlds that has long lasting impact in our minds.


I have been gaming for as long as I can remember. Yes, it was back in 2001 when I got a new PC for the first time around and since then, I have never l looked back. Till this date, I have played thousands of games including RPGs, First Person Shooters, RTS, MMOS and every other genre you can think of.

Game journalism is not perceived as a profession in our country, and resultant, it's something a majority will overlook. But there are some games that will make you feel proud to be a hardcore gamer. Some games are just too epic to be portrayed in any other manner than games. Here is my list -

1.) Skyrim

The holy grail of RPGs and the master in front of which other RPGs fall weak to their knees. It's not difficult to ascertain why it got so popular with the masses and why everyone his still sinking their time in despite being released over 2 years ago.

If you have not played it yet, you might mistake it for an MMO after my last statement, but it's a crude Single player game. Yes, when a majority of people is playing a game for over 2 years, it's easy to think of a MMO. But the quality f game is such that, people have been playing it for a while now including me.

Those vile constricting experiences are over now as you will get to experience a blissful sprawling arctic reason full of amazing quests and unprecedented people. Just play it if you haven't already.

2.) Walking Dead

No, I am not talking about the awful first person shooter that was published by Activision. It's Telltale's love which is the moot point here. Activision was expertly impertinent and their lack of cohesion was the reason for them losing this contract. Needless to say, Telltale cashed in as soon as they could and delivered this gem within a couple of month. Seriously, who would like to pass on a Walking Dead offer?

Lee, a convict was taken to jail by a police officer while the zombie-apocalypse struck the city. The police officer on the front also died and transformed into an obnoxious but freighting zombie. Your quest is to get away from the city as soon as possible and survive against the odds.
This game is not your usual zombie-stomping game. The situation here actually worsens on the go.

So, if you are not careful, you will bite the dust the next moment. Intensive moments, the bounding with other characters and the ability to make you shed tears even if you don't want to, is something I have never seen in any other game. Simply put, it's just amazing the way it is. With the 2nd season of Walking Dead looming around the corner, there couldn't be a merrier time for Telltale fans. I would recommend you to play the first season before playing the second one, otherwise you won't understand a thing.

3.) Meta Gear Solid

The first game was developed back in 1999 when there were many 3D games around. In fact, there was any impressive stealth game around at that time. So, the games you play today, he way it's reformed, should be credited to Metal Gear Solid series.

It defined the stealth genre for such a long time. . The choice based gameplay, the freedom to either skulk up on money or go all guns blazing, was just so gratifying. Other games like Splinter Cell and Megre took inspiration from the Metal Gear Series, but could never produce a title that was up to par with what Kizama has been able to produce so far. What a maser mind this guy is!

He revolutionized the gaming industry and made his presence felt. In fact, he is still the lead-force in the Japan.

4.) GTA Series

If I were to be left alone in a secluded cell for year and was given the option to play just one game, I would choose GTA 5 for sure. I am sure a lot of you would do the same. It's just that epic. You play the game repeatedly and still will never get bored. Rockstar, the amazing guys behind GTA V, never cashed in on the popularity unlike Activision. It's just adorable of them to do that. They are committed and have not put a foot wrong yet, except Manhunt 2.

You might not like what Call of Duty has become today, but it was not like this a few year ago. Back in 2003, when Call of Duty, the very first title in the series was released, it was met with a warm welcome from the community. We had never seen something like this in any other first person shooter game.

But the times changed as they became popular and started earning truckloads of cash from every installment for some unapparent reason; they decided to do early installments of the game and this s where things got a bit ugly and vile. Their cockiness didn't fare well with gaming community and soon they became the most loathed gaming company ever after EA. Surprisingly, this series continuing to sell an staggering amount of copies as soon as every game releases. It shows their ability to sustain fans over the years and make them buy game every year.

7.) Dark Souls

Do you know the definition of death? If not, then you need to give this game a shot. It's guaranteed that once you'll finish it up, you won't find any other game hard. The difficulty level in this game is really insane, but at the same time, it is gratifying when you finally impale your sword in your foes heart; when you finally conquer against the odds. This is what Dark Souls is all about.

It teaches you not to take a game casually. You will value your character's life more than your own life while mashing the buttons in rage. It sounds so outlandish, but it's a fact! You need o play this insanely hard game to believe it.

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