How to select the best theme for a WordPress blog

Blog design also plays a major role in bringing visitors to a blog whether it is WordPress or Blogger. So, one should be careful an design his/her blog effectively without compromising. Read on to know how to design your WordPress blog by selecting the best themes.

Premuim WordPress theme clubs
One of the best reasons choosing WordPress is the availability of huge theme bank either free or premium. No other platform has such flexibility in changing themes. But the worst side is many bloggers don't even care for installing a premium theme on their blog. Moreover they question the difference and are not ready to waste bucks on Themes. So, why should you go for a premium WordPress theme when there are hundreds of free ones available out there in the web market? Since blog design also plays a major role in attracting visitors and thereby increasing traffic and revenue, choosing the best theme and customizing it is a crucial step. When your ultimate target is making a five or six figure a month, why don't you spend just a $100 sum that really benefits you? The price range of themes is between $0 and $ 194 as far as I knew at this time. Also, a free theme will not bring you support if you find difficulty in installing or interfere in code by mistake. Also, all the pro bloggers out there use a premium attractive theme on their blog. So, how to select a best premium theme for your blog? Read on.

Also Read: How to move your blog from Blogger to WordPress?

How to choose the best theme for my blog

If the same question is on choosing a jacket, what would you say? Obviously, it depends on your body and size. The same way the niche you use and the post count per day or per week decides the theme you need for a blog. For example, consider this website techulator, since it is a website related to gadgets and technology it gets updated daily. If the same website were to be run on WordPress, a 'News Magazine' theme best suits it. Also, every latest post should be visible on home page as this helps the daily visitors or readers to identify new stuff easily. If you post occasionally i.e. on weekends, you just can to show a content and sidebar format. However, no blogger uses a readily made theme; he modifies it as per his interest and of course, reader's interest. So, the title can also be 'How to customize theme for a WordPress blog.'

Many new bloggers use the theme as it is without even making a single change to it. Do you think this negligence shows a negative impact on your blog? Yes, visitors may consider you using a readily made theme as a blogger lacking skills to make your blog look professional. So, how can you gain a big volume reader fans with such a negative impression. Be smart and give your blog a professional look by heading towards a theme club like Genesis or Thesis. The best themes that are responsive, professional, secure and SEO friendly are Genesis Framework and Thesis. However, said that you should have at least knowledge in code to play with Thesis. If you can afford buy either Thesis or Genesis for your blog. Also, there are other alternative theme clubs like elegant themes, Woo themes, themify etc. where you can get access to all the themes by paying just 30 to 60 dollars.

Finally, if you liked any theme of a particular blog, do not try to imitate or copy the same design. Try to be creative and implement your thoughts in designing your blog. Also, navigation should be made easier and every section should be easily accessible by your reader. Don't place unnecessary ad units in your blog and do not use multi colors for the text. If necessary, don't hesitate to hire a freelancer or a code guy to design your blog. Once again remember that your design should not only impress you but also your reader. Hope this information helped you, feel free to share and drop a doubt regarding selection of a theme.

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