Comparison between DishTV DTH and Videocon DTH

There are a lot of DTH providers in India claiming to be the best. It becomes difficult for a customer to choose one. However, comparing the different DTH services on the basis of pricing and features can help a lot. This post provides detailed comparison between DishTV DTH with Videocon DTH.

DishTV DTH is the oldest satellite service provider in India. It is among the best and cheap broadcast service provider. DishTV DTH has started a new wave of competition in the market. Videocon DTH is among the largest satellite service provider. Videocon DTH provides direct broadcast satellite service. Services provided by Videocon DTH to residential and commercial customers are audio programming, interacting television and satellite television. Videocon has goodwill in the electronic market. With its Videocon DTH it has got another way to capture the market.

Comparison between DishTV DTH with Videocon DTH

There are many features that are same but still both the companies- DishTV DTH and Videocon DTH differs from each other significantly. Some of the major features that are highly considered while choosing the service provider are discussed as under here under:

1)Installation Cost: DishTV DTH charges Rs.200 as its installation charges from its customer, which is comparatively low from the charges taken by Videocon DTH i.e. Rs.300. Thus, in this context DishTV DTH is comparatively cheaper then Videocon DTH.

2)Cost of Standard Definition (SD) Equipment: DishTV DTH takes Rs.990 for Standard Definition Equipments and for SD Recorder, DishTV charges Rs 1490 (one month pack). Videocon DTH charges Rs.1390 for Standard Definition Equipment/s, it is for 75 days. Videocon DTH gives 60 days Platinum or New Diamond pack for free to every customer. Videocon DTH has another offer also for online shopping. For online shopping it charges just Rs 1690 and customer can avail cash back of Rs 200.

3)Radio Facility: DishTV DTH provides 22 radio channels whereas Videocon DTH changers Rs 20 extra for radio facility and it provides just 20 active music channels.

4)Minimum Plan: Minimum service plan of DishTV DTH starts at Rs 200 with 208 channels. DishTV DTH has introduced a new small plan of Rs 90.There is another plan of DishTV DTH that charges Re.1 for each channels i.e. Rs 220 for 220 channels. Thus, DishTV DTH has many plans and all have there significance for some or other group of its customer. Videocon DTH charges Rs 150 with 196 Channels and Services. This comparison is provided on the basis of monthly plan provided by the companies.

5)Long term Plan: Long term plan of DishTV DTH is of Rs 4,990 with 272+9 channels (for twelve months). Yearly pack of Videocon DTH starts from Rs 1,650; this is the new Gold pack of Videocon DTH.

Differences between DishTV DTH and Videocon DTH

Both the service providers have there own qualities, but some of the unique features that make them different from the prevailing service providers are discussed below:

i)DishTV DTH: Some of the unique features those are available in DishTV DTH are given as follows:

a)Services and channels provided by DishTV DTH are cheaper then other service providers.
b)All Doordarshan channels can be availed with the services of DishTV DTH.
c)Credit to bring satellite broadcast services in India goes to DishTV DTH.

ii)Videocon DTH: Videocon DTH provides several services that make it different from other broadcast service providers. Some of the unique features are given below:

a)Televisions and LCD provided by Videocon DTH have set top box (already inbuilt in it).
b)DVD player provided by Videocon DTH have inbuilt set top box. A separate set top box is also provided by Videocon DTH
c)Videocon DTH provides lifetime warranty.

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Guest Author: Anirban23 Mar 2014

I am still confused which is best.

Guest Author: Basant30 Sep 2014

Which is the best DTH - Videocon or Dish TV?

Guest Author: selva03 Mar 2015

Videocon is best. Tata Sky is better.

Guest Author: Sanjay12 Mar 2015

My initial impression on Videocon d2h was good but after using it for nearly 1 year I came to a conclusion that Videocon d2h is fooling the customers in its own way. Here the equation is,If you opt for a base pack (south silver Rs. 190/-), then you won't get proper music and movie channels preferably Hindi, for those channels you may opt for gold pack (Rs. 241/-) which is a bit costly. Here also you won't get any sports channels, for those sports channels you may opt for a gold sports pack (Rs 325/-). Even here you won't get any English movies channels, for those channels you have to opt for a platinum or diamond packs (Rs385 or 445). So finally when you come to these platinum or diamond packs you can see a ‘*' stating that to avail HD channels please upgrade to South Platinum HD (Rs.590/-).

South HD access for other packages is Rs.150/- per month. Here the conclusion is, you start with a Rs190/- plan and you will end with a Rs.590/- plan which is more than 3 times. In my 1 year of experience I have noticed that they increased the price twice. Where as other DTH provider who can provide at least minimum 1 or 2 channels in each sector at a base pack range. Think before you select and make your decision wise.

Guest Author: BONGARALA VENUGOPALA29 Jun 2015

My impression on Videocon d2h was good but after using it for 2 yrs I experienced quite a lot of problems. The advertisement is different from what you enjoy. The price of pack also higher than the other DTH providers.

When the renewal comes within 4 or five days they used to send signals stating that your smart card not inserted properly. This happens not just one time but for a number of times in an entire day, when you opt to view. This is ridiculous. While calling the customer care support, they are politely asking queries one by one by consuming our talk time to the tune of at least Rs.10/- This is fate of the customer. I don't understand the channels 99, 100 & 101 are forcibly appearing even in cyclone and take away our valuable time. These channels are not applicable to Smart card violation. What is the fun of it ? Has anybody else experienced this and elaborate on my agony?

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