Top Free Proxy Software to protect privacy
Are you looking for information about Proxy server and its different software? This article contains information about top 5 recommended Proxy software for censored internet connection; UltraSurf, GTunnel, Your Freedom, Freegate, GAppProxy Software.
Introduction to Proxy
A proxy is a common word in today's world. But still most of us not aware of the exact meaning of Proxy or Proxy Server or Proxy Software. Let us know what is a proxy server. A proxy server is a server in computer networks, which acts as a mediator or an intermediary between client and server. Using a proxy server, clients ask for various resources from other servers. When a client connects to a proxy server seeking some service (resources, file, web page etc) from a different server, then the proxy server processes the requests and makes it simple from the complexity. All the data that client browses on the internet goes to proxy server cache and then the required data reaches to the client's computer. Nowadays, most of the proxies are web proxies providing access to content on world wide web.
Here we will discuss about some unique and useful Proxy software:UltraSurf Proxy software
UltraSurf is one of the most popular proxy software which facilitates secure web browsing. UltraSurf product is developed by 'Ultrareach Internet Corporation'. Initially it was created to target the internet users of China for online freedom and security. But now it is very popular across the world. People love this software to bypass internet censorship and also to protect their online privacy. In order to implement the software, there is no need to install it. Just download and run this program. It allows you to unblock social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Orkut, MySpace etc.GTunnel Proxy software
GTunnel is one of the best proxy software, allowing data transfer between the proxy server and the host computer for online security & privacy. It is also claimed to be the most popular proxy software used in China. It is free of cost in China but if you are located outside China, then you will have to purchase GTunnel software. GTunnel Proxy is very useful in accessing popular chat apps like Skype, Gtalk etc.Your Freedom Proxy software
When you are using a censored internet connection and you want to stay anonymous before the web world or when you are trapped by a firewall and you ant to play the game you like, then 'Your Freedom' Proxy software suits your interests. It is totally a free proxy software allowing you to access and stay anonymous through Socks proxy IP protocol. Your Freedom is suitable for websites like Google, twitter, but it faces some issues with Yahoo Messenger and when you download large files beyond its processing speed.Freegate Proxy software
Freegate proxy software is a browsing based software available in two languages, Chinese and English. Like UltraSurf, it also needs no installation. Likewise download and run/implement! Before running the software change the HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) proxy IP to "". Then it will run on internet explorer with ease. Freegate proxy software is one of the most popular proxy software in China and it was itself developed in China. GAppProxy Proxy software
GAppProxy software is developed by Android. It is for both personal and commercial use and is free of any cost. The GAppProxy software is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 (both 32 bit and 64 bit). You will have to establish Fetch server with the Google application to access this software. It is available in two languages.