Why Ajax is the Cooler Cousin of JavaScript?

Many people find JavaScript very annoying and boring. They may easily write complex C++ and java applications but when it comes to JavaScript, they struggle writing the codes. Read this article to know how Ajax is much easier than JavaScript.

web designers would agree we cannot do without them either. JavaScript can be very useful when it comes to certain web applications.

JavaScript is tough but Ajax is fun. It is tougher to write JavaScript coding but the good thing is that Ajax makes JavaScript fun. Ajax can be defined as a group of interrelated web development techniques. It is a client-side program that can send data to a server asynchronously. Usually, HTML and CSS are used in combination with Ajax. It helps to avoid full page reloads.

Ajax is the cooler cousin of JavaScript

Ajax is certainly the cooler cousin of JavaScript. It may be despised by SEO professionals but the truth is that Ajax makes things easier. Using only HTML 5 is far more difficult. Ajax comes with many drawbacks as well.

Drawbacks of Ajax

The main drawbacks of Ajax are given below.

1. Ajax is not SEO friendly

2. Ajax should not be used for content publishing

3. Web crawlers do not index Ajax

4. Dynamically generated content on Ajax may not be very readable

5. It is difficult to bookmark dynamic web page updates

Nevertheless, Ajax can be used for a number of purposes. It is still one of the top web technologies at the moment. Any web design firm will say that they will use Ajax when the time comes. HTML 5 cannot really replace Ajax. It may be easier to use HTML 5 but Ajax cannot be replaced by any program. The major drawback of Ajax is that it is not supported by many mobile platforms and browsers. However, a company that is looking for better dynamic pages should opt for Ajax applications.

With that in mind, here are some of the tips that a web designer might want to bear in mind.

Tips for web designers

1. If you plan to make your content static and if it is never going to change, you should not use Ajax.

2. If your content rarely changes, you should still not use Ajax to access it.

3. Use Ajax for form validation.

4. Use Ajax for comments and interaction.

5. Use Ajax for filtering data.

6. Use Ajax for conducting surveys and online polls.

Thus, Ajax has many uses that HTML 5 does not. A good web designer will know that no single web technology is replaceable by the other. Everything has to be used together properly in order to achieve success in web designing. Those who refuse to see this point do not usually build great websites and get stuck to particular methods. Certainly, web designing should be as versatile and interesting as possible. Only then will the sites look good. This is good for SEO as well.

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