Comparative analysis between quad core processors & dual core processors
The performance of any computer or smartphone depends on the kind of processor used. Most of the computers have either dual core or quad core processors. People are ready to buy a computer without knowing what hardware requirements they need. This article tells about the type of processors used in computers and smartphones.
Growth of processors
The single growth processor was the first processor invented by silicon chip designers. In old days, one processor used to perform all functions and this would take a lot of time. Later, two single processors were attached to make dual core processors. These processors give higher performance than single processors. In every cycle, the performance of the dual core processors is increased. The two cores do not dependent on each other for every task. In dual core processors, a function is performed individually by a processor. As a result, the time taken is less.
Quad core processors follow the same mechanism as in dual core processors. The difference between the two is that quad core processors use four processors to perform functions. Four single core processors are attached to make a quad core processor. Every core performs an individual function and this enhances the performance of the smartphone. There are many advantages as well as disadvantages of smartphones with dual core processors or quad core processors. The architecture and other features vary with the software installed in the phone. Structure of dual core processors and quad core processors
Processors having ARM architecture can read less number of instruction sets. It is not easy to make ARM architecture. It involves large amount of coding. Even though the programming and coding is complex in ARM architecture, the processing can be done quickly with the help of either dual core processors or quad core processors. The time taken by dual core processors is twice the time taken by quad core processors. This is one reason why smartphones or tablets having quad core processors are preferred. Some factors that reduce the speed of quad core processors are memory cache, memory bandwidth and core clocks. By customizing these factors, the performance of quad core processors can be increased. For example, qual comm mobile processors have Android option to customize the cores of the processor. The smartphone maker can fix the clock speed of each core. For multi-tasking, multi core architecture is more suitable.
Multi-threading process enhances the speed of task-execution. Processors that can handle the multi-threading tasks are programmed with a set of instructions. These instructions follow a specific sequence that can be executed in single processor. In quad core processors, each core has the capability of executing a bunch of threads at a time.
Even if someone has a 15k smartphone with quad core processors, he may not enjoy as smooth functions as in costly smart phones because other parts like built-in modems, cellular networks and radio chips also contribute to performance. This also reduces the size and thickness of the smartphone.
Difference between smartphone processors and PC processors
The instructions and coding are entirely different in these processors. Computer processors are more advantageous than smartphone processors. The processors that are attached in either smartphones or tablets are not upgradable. More instructions are given to computer processors than to smartphone processors. The processing and execution times are faster in computer processors. Handling a bunch of instructions at a time is an impossible task in smartphone processors. The architecture is more complex in computer processors than in smartphone processors. For faster execution, RAM and software support are required in smartphones. Multi-core or quad core processors in smartphones
A decade back, multi core or quad core processors were used in computers. Now, they are used in high end smartphones. Some companies are using these processors in medium budget smartphones as well. With advancements in technology, more and more smartphones are coming with quad core processors. These smartphones have benefits like high performance, speed, high quality and user friendly software support. Difference between dual core and quad core processors
Dual core processors have two cores to process the data sent to them. The dual core processors have two separate chambers that perform two actions at time. CMP is a chip multiprocessor that has these cores. As the name suggests, quad core processors have four chambers that are not dependent on one another while performing any action. The performance of these processors depends solely on their designs and structures. Some multi core processors share cache and information while some processors are not compatible. Benefits of quad core processors
Some software like games, video editing and graphics require quad core processors. These software programs are designed in a way that they give best performance with quad core processors. For good clarity, speed, efficiency in games and graphics quad core processors suit well. Not many software are made keeping quad core processors in mind. To enhance the results of multi core processors, the operating system should be capable of handling thread level parallelism. Speed
Normally, a person who doesn't know the technical aspects of processors will think that quad core processors give higher performance than dual core processors. Benchmark tests prove that both perform same. There are only slight variations. The speed of applications remains almost constant when the system is upgraded with quad core processors. The game support is the highlight of quad core processors. This is discussed in later part of this article.Battery life
Quad core processors save power by stopping the tasks sent to one or two cores. They do the necessary actions with only two cores. This increases the battery life. This mechanism cannot be followed in smartphones. All the cores in quad core processors work well even when the battery power is low. Quad core processors take more battery than dual core processors. This is due to higher performance and multi-tasking facility. Dual core processors consume less battery. The power management mechanisms and in-built power control features help to reduce battery consumption. To reduce battery consumption, smartphone manufacturers use high grade mAh batteries. Memory usage
Memory is an important aspect for high performance of smartphones. Those who have knowledge about computers know that there are two types of memory: RAM (Random Access Memory) and ROM (Read Only Memory). ROM is used for storage. The assembly language coding and OS coding are stored in ROM. The apps that are packed or developed have more cache files. If a smartphone has Android OS, it needs more memory space for updates and smart apps. The performance of a phone will be very low if its memory capacity is only 4GB. Most of the important files like system files and apps files are stored in ROM. This needs high storage capacity. The permanent files are stored for a long time. This lowers the speed of the phone. To use the dual core or quad core processors fully, RAM should be cleared or it should have huge space.
The role of RAM in both dual core processors and quad core processors is same. The functions of processors depend on RAM usage. High RAM leads to smoother performance. High end phones come with 2GB RAM and middle level smartphones come with 1GB to 512 MB of RAM. It should be noted that RAM is only one of the components that enhance processors' speed. Enhancing the operating system is also necessary. Low power Dynamic Data Range 3 is the latest memory update and is faster than previous versions.Price and performance
The architecture and clock speed determine the performance of processors. High clock speed and weak architecture result in low performance. Mobile phone companies are designing optimum clock speeds and architectures for high performance phones. Quad core processors have higher clock speed and better architecture than dual core processors. The performance and speed of any phone relies not only on quad core processors or dual core processors but also on the spare parts. Sometimes, dual core processors have high end spare parts while quad core processors have low end spare parts. ARM has approved many dual core and quad core processors having different clock speeds and unique architectures.
User friendliness
Quad core processors are more user-friendly than dual core processors. Dual core processors have benefits like high speed, fast execution, multi-tasking, accurate results in less time, high clarity, long life and more storage space but they take more time to execute threads. Most of the popular mobile phone manufacturers like HTC, LG, Huawei and Samsung develop their handsets with quad core processors.Conclusion
Dual core processors and quad core processors are very different in all aspects but their basic functions are same. The supporting chip, architecture, operating system, memory storage and clock speed determine a device's price, performance, speed, clarity and thickness. The latest versions of these supporting components give higher performance. The software and hardware support should be screwed and checked before buying a smartphone. Before buying a smartphone or tablet, check if it uses updated versions. Buy a smartphone or tablet that suits your needs and budget.
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