ITIL V3 Foundation or ITIL 2011 – Service operation

In this article, I would highlight the processes involved in the fourth publication of ITIL – Service Operation. Please read the below article to know in detail about this publication and also related ITIL publication articles.


The main objective of this publication which is one of the five core publications of ITIL V3 foundation is to ensure that the services agreed are delivered to the client in an efficient and effective manner. This publication comes after Service Transition which is the third publication of ITIL. In this process, the fulfillment of user requests, resolution of service failures, problem resolution smooth functioning of daily operational activities take place.

There have been articles on the first three publications of ITIL, I have written on TEC. Please see the below links to know about Service Strategy, Service Design and Service Transition publications in detail. In addition, there's an article on ITIL V3 foundation written on TEC too.

ITIL V3 Foundation or ITIL 2011

ITIL V3 Foundation or ITIL 2011 - Service Strategy

ITIL V3 Foundation or ITIL 2011 - Service Design publication stages

ITIL V3 Foundation or ITIL 2011 - Service Transition

This stage of ITIL – Service Operation consists of 9 processes. They are as follows:

1. Event Management

2. Incident Management

3. Request Fulfillment

4. Access Management

5. Problem Management

6. Operations Control

7. Facilities Management

8. Application Management and

9. Technical Management

Let's see each process in detail now.

Event Management

It's involved in the constant monitoring of CIs and services, filters and classifies the Events taking place in IT environment in an organization in an order to take action appropriately.

It helps in the maintenance of the guidelines and mechanisms which generate appropriate Events for an effective Event Monitoring.

It filters the Events which are not too relevant or meaningful but just information yet can be ignored and comes up with Exception and Warning Events and communicates the same.

It helps in the interpretation of the meaning of an effective and meaningful Event and looks for a suitable response.

It reviews and ensures that an Event has been taken care correctly and is ready to close. It does an analysis of the Event logs to recognize patterns or trends suggesting any corrective action to be taken.

Incident Management

Its objective is to restore the IT services as soon as possible for the users. it manages the lifecycle of an incident taking place in an organization.

The Incident Management Support of ITIL is responsible for providing and maintaining the processes, tools, skills and rules for an efficient and effective driving of incidents towards resolution. It records and decides the priority on an incident taking place to ensure an efficient restoration of services as quickly as possible.

It aims at resolving a service interruption within an agreed duration, tries its best for a quicker restoration of services by using the available best practices and Work around in knowledge base by first level support officials. If tier 1 generally referred to Service Desk is unable to fix the issue, the incident is immediately forwarded to tier 2 or second level of support group.

Tier 2 support groups try from their end to restore the services within agreed time frame. If necessary, they involve third parties like external vendors, suppliers, etc. if the issue is not resolved at their, the incident is then transferred to tier 3 by creating a Problem Record and send the case to Problem Management team.

It closely monitors the entire lifecycle of an incident, ensures if any counter measures to be introduced during the process. Finally, it records the incident before it's closed, it makes sure that the incident has been resolved and records the entire lifecycle of that specific incident and in detail and learning from resolution for future purpose.

This team is also responsible for sending timely security alerts, updates, communication to the users to ensure that they are not bombarded with calls for the issue for which resolution is already underway.

Request Fulfillment

It's involved in the fulfillment of requests such as minor changes, password change or an information request. This is responsible for providing required tools, processes, rules and skill sets for fulfilling service requests efficiently. It records and categorizes the type of request, who has requested and facilitates an effective processing of an SR within agreed time SLA.

It monitors the outstanding requests processing and status, submits a Request record for a quality control at final stage and aims at an effective SR processing.

Access Management

It grants permissions to the authorized users for using a service in an organization and also prevents any unauthorized access to the users. It helps in the execution of the policies created by Information Security Management. It's also called as Rights Management or Identity Management.
It maintains the catalogue of the role of the user and access profiles to ensure its accuracy and relevance for the services been offered to the clients' stops an unwanted accumulation of access and rights. It also processes the requests for adding, changing or revoking the access to a certain service.

Problem Management

It's responsible for the management of an entire life cycle of a Problem. It aims at the prevention of incidents, ensures the impact of non preventable incidents is minimum. It does an analysis of data from Incidents and other user collected data by other IT teams in an organization to identify the trends or any significant problems.

It aims at non recurrence of the incidents, and if it recurs, it keeps a workaround ready to provide temporary resolution to avoid hindrances of IT Services in an organization. It tries to come up with the most economical problem solution. It does a detailed root cause analysis of the problem, monitors outstanding problems, takes necessary corrective action as and when required, records the problem, reviews the resolution for the lessons for future identical problems and reports IT Management on the progress, resolution, etc of the problem.

IT Operations Control

It monitors and controls the infrastructure for delivering the IT Services. It helps in the execution of daily and routine activities of operation. This is involved in the backup and restores activities, daily maintenance, job schedule and print and output management.

Facilities Management

It's involved in the management of physical environment and location of IT infrastructure departments in an organization. It takes care of building access, cooling, power and environmental monitoring of IT Infrastructure.

Application Management

The main objective of this management is to manage all the applications used in an organization in an Infrastructure environment throughout the application life cycle. It aims at designing, testing and improving the applications to contribute an enhanced delivery of IT Services.

Technical Management

This is responsible for providing the technical requirements like IT expertise and support for managing IT Infrastructure in an Organization. It aims at developing the required skill sets for the operation of IT Infrastructure.


Hence, these were the processes of ITIL – Service Operation publication. This would be helpful for those who are planning to do a certification on ITIL.


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