SaneBox - Email management software
SaneBox is a newly developed email management software. This software was developed by Stuart Roseman, who is also the founder of Gamesville and Gamelogic. SaneBox filters your emails and show you the most important mails in your inbox and others goes to a separate folder. Read the below article to know more about SaneBox.
All of us know the importance of Email in our daily life. We get connected and keep connections through mails. There will be thousands and thousands of Emails in our inbox as some of the email providers offer huge mail storage capacities. But, have you ever thought of junk emails that have not gone to spam or trash? Or of managing all those mails a day? Such emails should be handled properly so that the users find it easy. SaneBox is a service developed to help you to be relaxed in managing unwanted mails coming to inbox. The service works with those email providers that allows WebDAV or Outlook Web Access, IMAP. The service of filtering the mails was designed and created by Stuart Roseman, founder of Gamesville and Gamelogic. Let's find out what is SaneBox, what is it actually doing and how it is being useful to us.How SaneBox works?
Simply defining, SaneBox is a filter that filters out unwanted mails to a separate folder in your email account itself. The filtering of mails will be with accordance of users preferences only. The SaneBox filters out both algorithms and user-trained preferences. The separate folder, @SaneLater, is created by the same service themselves. When you get a mail, the SaneBox decides whether the mail should go to the folder or to the inbox. The mails that go to the folder, @SaneLater, and can be read later as they won't get deleted. So that your inbox contains only the clean mails and it seems you have no contacts. SaneBox classifies the first 5000 mails and then keep the older mails in archive folder and when there is space in the inbox; SaneBox will fetch them one by one. Because most of the mails are filtered and you feel your inbox is very quiet.
But remember don't forget to check the filtered mails, because you may have your very important mails in the SaneBox folder, which is the disadvantage of this service. You definitely have got a solution, continue reading! There is another feature in SaneBox named as SaneBlackHole, which can be used as an unsubscribe email tool. If you want to unsubscribe from some email senders, just drag one of their mails in to SaneBlackHole folder, and then you will never get that senders mail in your inbox and the mails from them directly goes to trash.
Now you might be thinking of how this SaneBox differentiates between the wanted and unimportant mails. This is done through a simple scanning process by the service which is taken place first when a mail arrives. This may take a few minutes. But still you have a 'safe' inbox! SaneBox can classify the mails up to 5 categories i.e., top, important, consume at leisure, newsletters, and transactional mail. SaneBox works on any email services.Effectiveness of SaneBox
Hope you have understood what SaneBox is. And now you might be thinking how effective this service will be if you own them, right? Well, SaneBox, as already said, is effective in filtering or removing the mails which you don't want them in first place. But you should keep checking the separate folder so that you won't miss any of your important mails. This is very important. And don't be confused, there is a solution in which the service will send you daily digests, that means you can pick the frequency of mails based on whether they should go to folders or inbox. In the daily digest, the unimportant mails are summarized and it even appears on searches.
This service is not available free of cost but very cheaply available even a regular person can afford it. It only costs $5 a month so that everyone can own them and keep the inbox out of rush! The service also gives you a free-trial for some days so that you can decide whether you want them or not. But surely you are going to be relaxed and calm when you open your mail account with SaneBox.Pros and Cons of SaneBox
1. SaneBox is quite accurate in scanning and filtering.
2. Emails can be easily postponed with SaneBox you will get reminders about sent messages that received no reply.
3. SaneBox reduces the number of mails in your inbox, that only important mails are kept.
1. Mails can be misplaced to @SaneLater because SaneBox focuses the senders and not individual messages.
2. For the working, SaneBox requires an IMAP or Exchange accountConclusion
In short, SaneBox :
1. Identifies the important messages of your email inbox.
2. Moves all the unimportant mails to a separate folder , @SaneLater and you can read from them later.
3. Supports Gmail, Mail, iCloud, Yahoo!, AIM and AOL Mail, Exchange and any IMAP or WebDAV mail accounts.
4. Classifies the first 5000mails and move the older ones to an archieve folder. When there is enough space in the inbox, SaneBox will move mails from archive to inbox.
5. Moves mails to special folders like @SaneTomorrow, @SaneNextWeek, etc according to users need and the email pops up when time comes.
6. Lets you to set up reminders of mails not send, mails to be sent, important dates, etc
7. Searches the spam folder for any important messages.
8. Saves "Sane attachments" and put them in your dropbox and then reminds you about it later.
9. Integrates with those connections of your LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and even
10. Gives a monthly report on what kind of mails you got and your dealing with that mail.
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