After very long time Indian mobile manufacturer company LAVA launched first mobile phone in the word having Intel processor inside. Powered by the Intel Z2460 chip , it delivers 1.6Ghz of processing power coupled with Hyper Threading. The graphics core is clocked at 400 Mhz.Everything from Full HD video to 3D games worked flawlessly. This phone is working on Android 4.0 Operating system. It has 8MP Camera rear and front camera for video calling, HD video can be recorded by this mobile phone.
Processor | | GPU | | Operating System | Android | Operating System Version | | Sensors | | Series Name | | Manufacturer | | Dimensions | | Weight | | Camera Type | No Cameras | Front Camera | | Back Camera | | RAM | | External Memory | | Internal Storage | | Screen Size | | Display | | Ports | | Battery Type | | Audio | | Video | | Accessories | | Network | | Connectivity | | Bluetooth | | Available Colors | |
Additional featuresThis phone is working on latest android system(Gingerbread). Powered by intel processor Z2460chip, 1.6Ghz. Camera resolution is 8Mp.The screen resolution is really good at 1024 x 600 at 4.03? which is unheard of at this pricepoint. For connectivity with computer and internet USB slot, Wi-Fi, 3G and Bluetooth is available in the phone. Battery life for this mobile is 5 Hours talk time and 8 audio play back. This is world first Inter powered phone having graphics core is clocked at 400 Mhz.
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