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  • Category: Suggestions and Feedback

    Techulator site speed is a little slower than its sister site ISC

    I have recently become active on Techulator and while surfing and scrolling pages I found that the speed response of this site is little lagging behind its sister site IndiaStudyChannel in following terms:
    1. Page loading speed
    2. Google ads not as responsive

    Is it a correct observation or is something wrong with my net speed and laptop configuration.

    Correct me if I am wrong, just my observation which I preferred sharing with all.
  • #25992
    Both the websites are hosted on the same server and have the same code template. There is no reason why ISC would load any different from Techulator.

  • #25994
    I am not having this problem and the speed in both the cases is more and less same. It could be a local problem with the device or the internet connection. Just try to clean the device for junk files, cookies etc and then see if there is any improvement or not. If available a virus scan can also help sometimes in cleaning the unwanted suspected files in the device.
    Knowledge is power.

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