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  • Category: Social Networks

    How can google+ shutdown from 2019.

    I have found an article in Google+ (Discover), "Google Accelerates Google+ Shutdown After 52.5 Million Users' Data Exposed", if the following article is true than any disturbances occurs other site of Google account and other social media or blogs, AdSense account.
  • #25768
    The data was exposed for 6 days and did not expose passwords, financial information and ID numbers. Google has said that they don't have any proof that the data was misused by the developers who have access to this information.

    It is best to keep 2-factor authentication enabled on your accounts in any case which will prevent any unauthorized access to your account. There is no reason to worry if you already have it enabled.

  • #25771
    Google has checked the things at their end and as Ankit has already mentioned, they have announced that there is no vulnerability found.

    In extreme cases if they shut down that then all the links to other sites will be broken and I do not see any big problem in that situation. Only thing is the users will lose their informations and articles posted in Google+.

    All those documents which are only linked from their original place will not be affected.

    Knowledge is power.

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