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  • Category: General

    Introducing myself, Deepak Mathews Koshy

    Hi everyone, myself Deepak. I am currently pursuing my 12th grade. I have been a tech blogger for about 2 years on my own site, and Tony sir if you are reading this, I am a Malayalee from Trivandrum, Kerala. I got to know about this site through the Ebadu Rahman sir's youtube channel. I am hoping to be active on this site by consistently publishing articles and I will try my level best to be active on the forum. Hoping to have a good time here.
  • #25663
    I am really disappointed, I thought this was an active forum, but I was wrong. It's been 3 days since I posted my introduction post, and not a single person has replied. It's really disappointing guys
    Deepak Mathews Koshy

  • #25664

    Hi Deepak,
    Welcome to Techulator! I apologize for failing to take note of this thread earlier.
    There are only a few members active here right now and sometimes we do miss threads. As you already have blogging experience, you can get kick-started here immediately. We have a lot of active competitions but few competitors which can help earn a lot of cash monthly in addition to AdSense revenue if you have the account. Most of our active contributors are able to make a good amount.

    Initially, you might have to face some problems while getting your posts approved, but it is a learning curve and once you are over that it is smooth sailing here. You can connect with me through Forums itself if you have any queries/problems and I will try to answer it quickly enough.

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