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  • Category: General

    Will the Mobile phone prices come down?

    There has been a phenomenal growth in the mobile phone market and the demand is still going on steadily.

    Due to this robust demand a number of companies have entered this segment and manufacturing capacity is increasing day by day. The demand has to finally stagnate and due to more and more options available, the customer will also become a bit choosy.

    Now in this scenario do you feel that the prices of mobile phones should come down significantly? What is your opinion?
  • #25824
    it's hard to predict but the current scenario is totally opposite, US dollar is raising day by day and prices of mobile phones and electronics are increasing.

  • #25825
    Yes. Electronic gadgets' behavior is different than Electrical gadgets in the market. Electronic devices like smartphone and its price will go down often due to various factors including competition, short-life, innovation, technology, upgrades, quality, better features, comparison and on.

    When we compare few years back, we get average mobile phone for 5k-10k - you can now get the best features' smartphones under 10k. Today's best smartphones with this price may be least good in the near future when compare at that time's futuristic cell phones.

    These are some of the reasons that few mobile brand has created the sub-brand as well. The sub-brand will launch the similar smartphones with minor changes after few months gap of the main brand launches with a different series. So, brand names changes for the later one with little lower price device to catch the customers beside relying on the smartphone market overall.

    Due to huge competition, the inflation and money value won't affect these electronic gadgets' pricing down. Past few decades' history comparison on the electronic devices also is the proof. And, not sure which brand will stay a long and which will go out of the market if they don't check the nerves of the customers and device services after the sale beside analysis, strategy and stats.


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