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Category: Revenue & Rewards
Keep posting content on the various sections of Techulator. For each post, you earn points and cash credit (except in Forum section, there you earn only points). At the end of the month, if your cash credit reaches Rs.1000 or more, you will receive a payment announcement from Techulator through email.
Once you receive the email, you have to visit your Profile Page, where the announcement would be visible. In the same page, there would be an Invoice Format link which you have to download. Save the format, and fill up the required fields and save it as a document file.
Then visit the Payment Update page again. (You will get the link in your email itself) Upload the invoice, write a remark on the comments field and click on "update".
Your invoice will be uploaded and Techulator will transfer the invoice amount to your bank account.
So, you need an internet banking account, give the details in the invoice format and receive your payment, when TEC sends you the money.
Please feel free to ask if you are still having any doubt.
Once you receive the email, you have to visit your Profile Page, where the announcement would be visible. In the same page, there would be an Invoice Format link which you have to download. Save the format, and fill up the required fields and save it as a document file.
Then visit the Payment Update page again. (You will get the link in your email itself) Upload the invoice, write a remark on the comments field and click on "update".
Your invoice will be uploaded and Techulator will transfer the invoice amount to your bank account.
So, you need an internet banking account, give the details in the invoice format and receive your payment, when TEC sends you the money.
Please feel free to ask if you are still having any doubt.
I understand that there will be a unique invoice number which we have to mention in our document to be uploaded.
Knowledge is power.
Knowledge is power.
Oh yes Umesh, good that you mentioned that I forgot.
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