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  • Category: Blog Reviews

    Can anyone reivew my website and suggest me the improvements

    Hi Sir,

    My website is
    I am getting 250 unique visitors ( 600 yo 800 pageview) every day.

    Can anyone help me in reviewing my website for improvements?
    I am planning to apply for adsense.

    Thanks in advance.
  • #25317
    With so many pageviews, you can apply for Adsense and get it easily approved provided the content on your website is unique. One suggestion I would like to give is that you should also write general articles like " How to prepare for XYZ job? " This will help you get regualr traffic on the website as these articles are evergreen.

  • #25319
    Thank you so much for suggestions.

  • #25335
    For attracting the viewers something catchy or interesting should be seen by them. For example you can say -
    'How to occupy yourself constructively till you get a job'
    and then take them to an article illustrating some ideas to occupy oneself may be earning money online.

    It is all our imagination that we can create such attractive lines for increasing the traffic.

    When people reach your site they will like to see the contents and if satisfied they will time and again come to find out revised material.

    Knowledge is power.

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