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  • Category: General

    Awarding Zero points for my response.

    I had submitted my response for a question on TEC. I saw today that my response for that question doesn't exist and Zero points is awarded to me. I want to know why this happened and What's the issue?
  • #25271
    Hi Alok, your above given post in Ask Experts section has been sent to pending status, but due to some technical glitches the comments from the editors are not visible right now.
    Anyway, you need to resubmit your answer in a descriptive paragraph, as, an answer in a list shape is more likely to show up as a copied content, which cannot be approved. To make it a unique post, you need to write in your own words in a descriptive manner.
    However till then the issue is being discussed for further clarification. You will be allotted the points and cash credits once you resubmit your post.

  • #25272

    We had a technical issue due to which you were not able to see the reason for marking your responses as Pending. It is resolved now. See the thread for the details.

  • #25273
    Your post has been approved now.

  • #25274
    Thanks You Tony Sir and Anwesha for the instant solution of my query. From next time I'll try to make my answers descriptive rather than just giving answers in list format.

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    If required, refer to the URL of this page in your new post.