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  • Category: Suggestions and Feedback

    Networking, Software or Hardware

    Techulator is a great place to work and share an environment with some great bloggers and free lancers for me. It has always been a great place for me where I learn a lot about the online world, how do bloggers earn, SEO, content writing and much more. Working here have been a great experience yet. Networking, Software or Hardware: which seems to be the best field according to you guys to work in? Or which field seems to have a better scope and development in the future? Considering my personal interest I would prefer Networking is the best among those three. What would you suggest? Also share the reasons for your point.
  • #25240

    I think it is always dependent on the sphere and level of interest in this matter, that matters. For someone who likes to deal with the physical parts of a system would do better in hardware, and the one who is curious in making things work through an analytical process, is more likely to shine in software. Networking needs the best from both worlds with a demand for an extra Calibre which we know as a knack for communication.
    Today there are many aptitude tests and quizzes available online. You can ask the same question to Google which would provide you with the relevant tests. They are indeed a good way to discover your own talent and are fun too. Hope that helps.

  • #25242
    Well, there is nothing like which one is better among the two. It all boils down to the caliber you have and the interest you have cultivated over time. Software is for those who have a knack of understanding abstract aspects. There is nothing physical in front of you - you are expected to visualise things. That would, in fact, require a lot of analytical skills.
    As Anwesha rightly made the observation, you need to identify your talent. Having done that you can then proceed to work with it.

    Live....and Let Live!

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