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  • Category: Blog Reviews

    Drop your blog names

    This has been a long time working here on Techulator with many experts who have good knowledge as well as career in the networking field. With the time of long two years I have learned a lot about this field and made my interest in this. This thread is to request the members to drop the names of their blogs or websites which they own or work for.

    I know many of you own a site or work for different sites so I would like to request you to share them with us. Also how was your experience working for any website except Techulator?
  • #25212
    I would not think it would be apt for us as the members of the site to intentionally "advertise" our personal blogs. I would like to remind you that it can be against the policy guidelines of Techulator. Informing about our own blogs just for the sake of it is not what we would expect here.
    You should have noticed before posting that suggestion here that most of the forum posts that contain a reference to third party sites without the necessity are deleted straight away. I would advise you to go through the site guidelines before posting these kinds of suggestions.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #25236
    Having said that Timmappa Kamat, I think the idea isn't liked by the members of the site. Its been a week time and no one came up to share any views to this thread so I would like to request the editors to please close this thread.

    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

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