Will we ever learn not to forward fake messages on WhatsApp?
In recent times, there have been several fake messages being circulated via WhatsApp. In more ways than one, these are the messages that are actually planned to spread rumour. But, why are we just forwarding it without checking its authenticity.?A recent example was a message that spoke of a car accident that killed the famour Yoga Guru Ramdev Baba. I received messages ( forwarded ones) in two of my WhatsApp groups. I condemned the senders for forwarding the message without checking it. Since I am the admin of one of the groups, I threatened the concerned member that he will be removed from the group if he continues to do so.
The crux of the matter is why do we fall prey to such tactics of spreading rumours? When I receive such messages ( and I do receive them - even from unknown numbers not in my contact list), I just reprimand the sender and warn him/her against sending such messages without finding if they are authentic or not.
I guess WhatsApp needs to address the issue urgently. I watch the show Viral Sach on ABP News regularly so that I can stay forewarned about such fake messages. Isn't it the time we did something about these rumour mongers?