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  • Category: Winner Announcements

    Member of the Week Award 10th to 16th Apr 2017

    Hi Members,

    This has reference to our earlier announcement for Member of the Week and our usual awarding system in Techulator, we are announcing the winner of the MOW for 10th to 16th Apr 2017, this week award goes to Aman for an outstanding contribution.

    Congratulations to Aman for MOW awards and best of luck members for the next time!.

    Thanks to all members and participants.
  • #25159
    Congratulations Aman for that wonderful performance. It is quite good to see you back in action after so long. Winning a member of the week award is always the much rewarding experience. I would wish to see you coming up with more such contributions in the days ahead.
    Congrats once again and keep up the good work.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #25160
    Congratulations Aman for winning the MOW award for this period. We are seeing you after quite a long time. and we are happy to see you back with a bang. Your contribution was quite vibrant this time with useful information. Your participation was quite even through all the sections. Hope to see you winning more such awards maintaining the same consistency or more. Wish you all the best for the coming days. Keep it up.

  • #25162
    Thanks a lot Timmappa Kamat and Anwesha for those wonderful words. Such comments really motivates me to contribute more and more. Also such comments from the members I have been working with from a long time feels like a family relation. I hope I will make much more than this in the coming time, hope to see you guys too with your valuable contributions. Feeling good to be in touch with members like you from a long time through this site. What I think is learn from the best ones and improve on what they are lacking is what makes you the best. That makes me more motivated if other members also join me in keeping all the sections in a good pace.

    Hope others will join us with their valuable contributions. Looking forward to get some more awards added up in my list because I only have this month to work, even the last day today, after this the traveling time starts, time to have a tour with friends.

    Edit - Sorry I left to add something up in my comment. Thanks a lot Hafeez for the timely announcement of this award. Hope to see you too contributing with your valuable threads in the Forum section.


    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

  • #25173
    Congratulation Aman for becoming MOW award winner. It is good to see the new name in the winning list. It shows members started showing their skills and work in TEC. In TEC, winning awards is a prestigious thing. The award always goes to the right person. Every member in this TEC will always feel to be dedicated and been appreciated. This time you have been appreciated for your great work. Keep this work continuing in upcoming weeks.

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