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  • Category: Winner Announcements

    Member of the Week Award 27th Mar - 2nd Apr 2017

    Hi Members,

    This has reference to our earlier announcement for Member of the Week and our usual awarding system in Techulator, we are announcing the winner of the MOW for 27th Mar - 2nd Apr 2017, this week award goes to Ankit for an outstanding contribution.

    Congratulations to Ankit for MOW awards and best of luck members for the next time!.

    Thanks to all members and participants.
  • #25129
    Congratulations Ankit. Seeing you winning this award after a long time. We all feel secure to see your name back to the MOW awardee list. Your articles guide us in many ways. The new members too would get the idea, what is expected in Techulator and could work towards meeting the standard.
    Hope to see you more often in the winner's list.

  • #25130
    It is quite great to see your name featuring in the list of one of the prestigious awards on Techulator. It feels nice to see one of the ace contributors getting that one. Your articles are indeed much informative and stand as the benchmark in letting the members understand the standard we expect here on the site.
    Keep up the good work and keep working at the same pace to enrich the site further.

    Live....and Let Live!

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