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  • Category: Winner Announcements

    Member of the Week Award 6th - 12th Mar 2017

    Hi Techies,

    With reference to our earlier announcement for Member of the Week and our usual awarding system in Techulator, we are announcing the winner of the MOW for 6th to 12th Mar 2017, this week award goes to Justine for an outstanding contribution.

    Congratulations to Justine for MOW awards and best of luck members for the next time!.

    Thanks to all members and participants.
  • #25101
    Thank you Hafeez for that announcement. It is quite heartening to see a new name appearing for the most coveted award on the site. We have been constantly on the lookout for the new members and contributors so that the site can reach newer heights.
    Congratulations Justine for winning that award for the first time. We all here on the site have gone through the excitement I am sure even you might be experiencing right now. It is always a cherished moment to win that award for the first time. We would love you to see coming up with more such achievements in future. Keep up the good work!

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #25102
    It is quite great and excited to see a new name on the award list. No other expectation in this announcement. Announcing MOW award every week is to encourage the work and effort put by the member in this TEC. In the past, most of the awards went to repeated names. It is due to those members were most consistent in this TEC. All of them searching for a new name, which could be filled by any new member in this TEC. Hopefully for the first time breaking the silence in this award by Justine. Thanks Hafeez for announcing this award with the new member getting a mark in the TEC history.

    @Justine, Congratulate for your work and winning this award. Really surprised and happy to see this award goes to you. Every active member would be happy to see the new member in the active list. Being one of the members of TEC, I wish you to continue your work more and more in further days. Not only listing your name in this award alone, you need to listed in all other awards in upcoming days.

  • #25103
    Welcome Justine to our favourite technology site Techulator and Congratulations for winning the MOW award for the first time in Techulator. As a new member joining this site, this is a remarkable achievement that you have gained by winning this award in such a short time. This shows that you accustomed quite well with our site and it is now richer with your share of knowledge and participation.
    Do keep up the spirit and keep participating in all the sections of this site, as each section has its own way of recognizing your efforts and expertise. Hope to see your information-rich articles and expert advice in the Ask Expert section as well. We all are awaiting eagerly to find your name recurring in rapid frequency in the coming awards and contests.

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