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  • Category: Suggestions and Feedback

    MOW award not reflecting in my account

    This is just to let our webmasters know that the MOW award allotted to me for the week of 27th Feb to 5th March is not yet getting reflected in my account. I have sent a message to the concerned webmaster, and awaiting his reply.
    But I am not sure if he has received the same.
    Hence, I request the concerned webmasters not to take it as a complaint but just a humble way of letting them know about this issue.
    Please let me know if anything went wrong from my side.
  • #25073
    Such issues have happened even with me in the past. It could be the result of some technical glitches. I would advise you to wait till the concerned webmaster notices the error and sorts it out soon.
    However I would suggest you to get in touch with the concerned editor via email so that he will be able to solve the problem at the earliest.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #25075
    Thanks Timmappa for your support. I have done that and mentioned it too in the post itself. The issue is, there's no way to find out if the email has reached him, as there's no record of outgoing emails in our dashboard.
    I know things would get sorted out soon, but it needs to reach the concerned person. That is what this thread is all about.

  • #25078
    Hi Anwesha,
    I have added it now.

  • #25079
    Thanks a lot. As the issue is resolved now, please lock this thread.

  • #25081
    Thanks for reporting it Anwesha, the message can be seen only if I logged-in over here and go to 'message' link without fail. The message is not coming to my email simultaneously to see it upon opening my email once in a while. Anyhow, it was wrongly skipped by me (which happens rare) to add your cash credit / point after MOW announcement.

    BTW, thanks to both (you / Ankit) for solving it.

  • #25086
    It's okay Hafeez. Thanks for clarifying. I guessed the same, and that is why I thought of posting it on Groups too.
    Thanks again.

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