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  • Category: Complaints

    Member Dashboard and few other pages are not getting displayed

    Since this morning, I have tried several times to load my Member Dashboard, but it is showing error messages both on the website and the mobile version. I am not being able to edit the AE section as well.
    Here is the error message it is showing:

    "An error occurred.

    An error occurred. Code: eed3179c-cd93-4451-90aa-c69882a4e335
    Please try to access the feature again by pressing the back button on the browser. "

    I request the webmasters to take a note of it and do the needful as early as possible, as otherwise, we are not able to work on our site.
    I don't know if this is happening only with me, or if the other members are also facing the same issue.
    I request all the members to give their feedback, if they are facing the same or any other related issue.
  • #25036
    Since evening I've faced this issue. That error which you are mentioned, the same is displayed on my screen also. There is some maintenance or updating process may be going. This type of error indicates only when the site is under maintenance or background updating process. Due to that, I couldn't open my dashboard. Most probably all the members would get this issue today. The webmaster should look at this issue and take some needful actions. At present, many new members are getting attention in all the sections. At this time, the site should not be going into the problem.

  • #25044
    I would be bringing this up to the attention of the team. Even I have been facing the issue since last evening. I did not check it in the morning though. The issue has been persisting even now.
    Please note that this is not an updation issue or any background process. We have been facing similar bug in many other sections as well from time tom time. All the members of the site must be facing the problem as long as my knowledge goes. There is nothing we can do in this regard except waiting for an update from the webmasters.

    Update - Tony sir has been informed about this thread. Let us wait for the solution soon.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #25049
    The issue has been resolved. I just checked it and found the member dashboard working properly.
    We would be closing this thread for now as the issue is resolved. We would request members to kindly check the same on their accounts.

    Live....and Let Live!

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