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  • Category: Club House Discussion

    Modular devices - have they lost the glory?

    Project Ara launched by Google had brought up the concept of modular smartphones. However, Google themselves have now shelved the project.
    Among the smartphone manufacturers, LG was the front runner with the modular design. They came with G4 Plus with modular components. But, they do not seem to have any advantage. LG appears to have decided to shelve the modular design with its upcoming device LG G5.
    Though there are no reports indicating the exact shelving of the project, rumour mills suggest that. What do we our techians think about the development? Does that mean modular design has gone useless?
  • #24898
    The main advantage of modular device is every component in the device is interchangeable. All are replaceable. The entire unit functions for this process. At present few brands where not supporting this modular functionalities. One of the main examples is battery. Nowadays non-removable battery was become fashion for all the brands. LG brand getting back to its classic functions.

    LG has given a modular phone on its new device G5. This LG G5 has come with the modular phone with its own flagship. But only half of the components were modular formatted. You can remove the backside of the device in LG G5. Even battery is removable in this device. Indeed that this device has very good camera functionality with music player. The main drawback for this device is camera, screen, RAM and CPU was not interchangeable. They are all fixed components. Still the LG company focusing on modular components in their devices.

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