Can We Invite Members Through Social Media Groups?
I have been wondering since few days, if we can post our "invite a friend" link in different social media groups to which we have subscribed in sites like Facebook, Linked In etc.? To be specific, is it allowed in Techulator to share our referral link in these sites other than sending them only to known contacts?I got this idea because I have seen such posts in different social media sites and have found a lot of positive responses to them. In my case, I don't have many contacts who might be interested in content writing as most of them are settled in their own field of interests.
In social media, the groups are based on common interest, and there the freelancers group, bloggers group who are bringing like minded people together where the members would be looking for such opportunities. So there's a huge chance that we get people to know our site, if they find our referral link. That way, Techulator can have fresh members who are already in this field and if it clicks, our site can get back the popularity it used to have earlier.
I request Tony Sir and other Webmasters to let us know, if that can be done. Friends please share your views too, whatever is your opinion on this.