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  • Category: Winner Announcements

    Super Contributor Awards November 2016 - Ask Experts section Winners

    Hi Members,

    With reference to our earlier announcement on Super Contributor Awards from Techulator - here are the results of the super contributor award for the Month of November 2016 for Ask Experts section!

    The Super Contributors for Ask Experts section are:
    1. Timmappa Kamat
    2. Mahesh
    Congratulation to all the super contributors on this great achievement.

    Super contributors are going to receive an award as per announcement (above first link), in addition to the normal cash and revenue share member receive for posting Question and Answers in AE section.

    Keep continue to contribute in this section to become winners. All the best.
  • #24773
    It indeed feels quite good to be back on track!
    I have always managed to be in the list of super contributors for the Ask Experts section. With the huge work load because of other commitments, I had to lose out on the award for the last month. It now feels relaxing to be winning the award once again.
    Thank you Hafeez for that wonderful ( though belated) announcement. Will attempt to keep up with the trend this month as well. Congratulations to co winner Mahesh. Missing the third companion though.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #24776
    Congratulations Timmappa and Mahesh for Winning the Ask Expert Section award. You kept the section buzzing with your prompt and useful contribution, from which many of us could acquire some good tech knowledge.
    I regret that last month I couldn't participate that actively on this section and in other sections as well, due to some hectic schedule at the home front. Hope this time I would contribute more.
    We are seeing some new members participating in this section for last few weeks and that is surely a very good news for all of us. Hope to see more such names in the winner's list henceforth.

  • #24783
    Thanks Anwesha and I would expect you ( and egg on you) to come up with a good performance in the section in the upcoming days. You have always been a good contributor and I just would love to see you continuing with your performance.
    Live....and Let Live!

  • #24787
    Congrats Timmappa and Mahesh for both of yours contribution in Ask Expert Section. I have seen most of your posts in AES. You both were contributing lot with valuable contents. It was more helpful for me and for all. I hope this would be continued in future. I would like to be in this list next time by seeing you both. Surely I would work for that. This was the list I was waited to see and I'm happy you both winning this award.

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