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  • Category: Club House Discussion

    Are password managers secure?

    Our life has gone digital in almost all walks of life these days. With a huge lot of passwords to manage and remember, we have been more dependent on password managers. But, my basic question is - is it safe to use them?
    With reports of online frauds pouring in, I find it a little difficult to believe in them. I would wish to have some views from our techians about the safety of the password managers. I have actually been using a well-known password manager myself, but it even "remembers" my credit/debit card CVV! Isn't that a little out of place? Well, yes - it needs me enter my master password.
    Can our experts throw some light on the topic?
  • #24743
    I go to the basics. If technology can help in doing something good, the same can be used in doing something bad. Once the concept of "duplication" got evolved, whether it takes time or not to duplicate anything is not the issue. Its just that 'it can be done'.
    So nothing can be 100% safe.
    As of now, I think, the fingerprint should have been the best way for identification, making it compulsory that there should be no way to copy it, or remember it. In that way, safety could be ensured to a satisfactory level.
    But then whenever you make a rule, it has to be violated, almost like the proverb we know that "promises are made to be broken". That's why "religion" was born, so that Gods can take care of our passwords.

  • #24744
    Every password managers will secure your password in different manner. The way we take it is different. Basically we use password in our memorized words and frequently using words. Mostly passwords will be in encrypted format which will be stored in the database. We people always prefer the password should be so flexible and easily get remember. This makes others to guess easily. To solve this issue follow some steps to make you creating passwords which others can't guess easily.

    1. Create passwords long, complex, and alpha-numerical.
    2. Memorize your password by yourself instead of writing anywhere.
    3. Don't keep same password for all sites.
    4. Create more and unique passwords for all.
    5. Don't create password in the name of site.
    6. Don't save your password in system or in website.
    7. Don't make the site to remember your password.
    8. Don't keep your password in sticky notes.

    Using password managers are secure by using them in a proper way. Strong and multiple passwords keep us safe and secure. Those passwords are not shareable to anyone whether it would be friends or family. Passwords are meant for yourself and not for others. Typical passwords are generated for safer side. My only suggestion is create password in a typical and strong manner.

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