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  • Category: Winner Announcements

    Super Contributor Awards October 2016 - Article section Winners (Revised)

    Hi Techies,

    With reference to our earlier announcement on Super Contributor Awards from Techulator - here are the results of the super contributor award for the Month of October 2016 for Article / Resource section!

    The Super Contributors for Article section are:
    1. Anwesha
    2. Timmappa Kamat
    3. Mahesh
    Congratulation to all the super contributors on this great achievement.

    Super contributors are going to receive an award as per announcement (above first link), in addition to the normal cash and revenue share member receive for posting resources in the Article section.

    Keep continue to contribute in this section to become winners. All the best.
  • #24675
    That indeed is a pleasure to be clinging on to the position even with lowest ever contribution. Hanging in with the likes of Anwesha and Jishnu feels much great in this context. They have indeed been excellent with their performance.
    Congratulations Anwesha and Jishnu for that outstanding performance. Keep up the excellence.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #24679
    Thanks Hafeez for the announcement. I think this is the first time I got the first position in this award. That was possible because others were inactive this time.
    But this lucky win is surely boosting me up for contributing more.
    Thanks Timmappa for your encouraging and rewarding words. Hope to see your contributions more frequently as old times.
    Congrats to Jishnu too. We would love to see you among the winners list more often henceforth with your valuable contribution.

  • #24683
    There has been a change it seems. Jishnu has been replaced by Anwesha has replaced Jishnu and I have moved up to the second place. Mahesh has been the co winner now.

    Thank you Hafeez for the corrected awards list. Congratualtions Mahesh.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #24686
    Oh ! I didn't notice that. So sorry. Congrats to Mahesh for his useful contribution. And Congrats to Timmappa for keeping up his commitment to this site. Hope the competition goes tougher this time as the festive mood will not hamper us till the end of December.

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