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  • Category: General

    Social Media Traffic Monetization

    If you check the adsense calculation at the end of the month. Here the end of month calculation appears on 15th of respective next month. If you check this there is one deduction added. It is named as invalid traffic. Though there is no official documentation on this. It seems this traffic is the one that is automated like StumbleUpon or some social media invalid clicks.

    If the social media traffic is discounted like this. And if large percentage of the traffic for any website comes from social media. How does it affect the google adsense revenue. I don't have large number of traffic that comes from Facebook pages or so. But still curious to find out how to monetize this traffic other than adsense.

    Any idea on how the social media traffic can be monetized if not with adsense?
  • #24627
    Google generally protect the AdWord Advertiser and penalize the Publisher if they found AdSense violation done by the publisher with or without their knowledge. There is no harm in social media traffic if it is less than organic (search engine) traffic.

    In case if there is highest number of social traffic than search engine one regularly and if there is a bad behavior from its visitor on ad click then the issue arises, the message from AdSense will be as follow;

    "After reviewing our records, we've determined that your AdSense account poses a risk of generating invalid activity…"

    or else, publisher can go smoothly.

    I personally suggest to write and post such a way that (draft in between white hat SEO and black hat SEO terms - read what are they?) the visitors shall come all the way from search engine tool or organic traffic way.


  • #24632
    No I didn't meant about penalizing of account or so. What I meant to say is when you check the calculation of monthly earning there is some deduction under name invalid traffic. This deduction is based on social media traffic which as per google is not useful. So I wonder if social media traffic if discounted like this what option we have left for monetizing content there onwards?

  • #24638
    Kindly check these links from Google for more detail on Invalid Traffic / Deduction at AdSense account...

    These links might solve your query.


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