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  • Category: Winner Announcements

    Super Contributor Awards September 2016 - Article section Winners

    Hi Members,

    This has reference to our earlier announcement on Super Contributor Awards from Techulator - here are the results of the super contributor award for the Month of September 2016 for Article / Resource section!

    The Super Contributors for Article section are:
    1. Timmappa Kamat
    2. Ankit
    3. Anwesha
    Congratulation to all the super contributors on this great achievement.

    Super contributors are going to receive an award as per announcement (above first link), in addition to the normal cash and revenue share member receive for posting resources in the Article section.

    Keep continue to contribute in this section to become winners. All the best.
  • #24604
    Oh, thanks a lot Hafeez for that wonderful and rejuvenating announcement. I have been going through a low patch of performance on Techulator these days. Not that it has anything to do with any problems, but just because I am quite busy with other commitments in content writing. But, Techulator being the site that initiated me into the content writing arena, I cannot (and would not want to ) stay away from the site. That is the sole reason I have been trying to squeeze as much time as possible to contribute on Techulator.
    This award has been kind of a great morale booster. I would love to receive such rewards so that I can continue to have confidence as a content writer.
    Congratulations co winners Ankit and Anwesha. You have been indispensable part of the site.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #24617
    Thanks Timmappa for your supportive words and Congratulations too for winning this award once again. It is good to see you back to the first position in this section. It is really a commendable job from your side to maintain the same pace even after having so many responsibilities and commitments. I must say you keep inspiring al the members here with your consistent performance.
    Congratulations to Ankit too for keeping the site vibrant with his effective contributions.

  • #24623
    Thank you Anwesha for those exemplary words. You have indeed been one of my support systems.
    I am really quite unhappy with myself for not being able to keep up with my contribution here on Techulator. What has been hindering me is my regular job that leaves me unavailable for content writing between 8am to 6pm. Moreover, I have to complete at least five to six articles for my clients per week. Squeezing the time for those activities simply drains me off and that causes the lack of performance here.

    Live....and Let Live!

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