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  • Category: Club House Discussion

    Notifications on your device - A real annoyance?

    Almost everyone uses a smartphone these days. And most of us have a huge number of apps installed. But, the apps tend to send you notifications quite too often.
    In fact, a feature that was meant for the apps and the OS itself to let the users know a few important information have taken a huge change of route. They have now reached the level of annoyance. Not that the app notifications cannot be disabled, but that in itself would be useless as you have installed a particular app because you want to use it. Over use of the notification feature has been killing the actual reason why this feature was important.
    Can't the apps be designed to come up with only important notifications alone? I do not see much of the apps having that feature.

    What do you think about the annoyance being caused by the app notifications? Does it really affect you? Kindly share your views.
  • #24487
    Nougat update seems to be solving this issue. You can now silent the notifications if you know how to use SDK. Also you can have the grouping for the notification. This is going to change the way you are using the current annoying notifications. Earlier when there was email notification on desktop available. Many companies solved this issue by clubbing the notifications. I am guessing the mobile and the device notifications are also going in that direction.

    Based on what I learned during the development, it is possible to prioritize the notification. But I am guessing the notification being means of keeping people tied to the app and the people who are using it. It seems the instant notifications are purposefully used.

    I still do think that apps should avoid giving notification for every small thing. For example Facebook and instagram give notification as they arrive. This can be annoying. And I think such apps need to club all the notification and only put them at one group per hour or the day. Either way the notification clutter needs to be improved otherwise it won't work.

  • #24491
    That would indeed be a great feature in Android Nougat. I am looking forward to updating my phone to Android N. Just waiting for the development of custom ROM to be stabilised.
    Live....and Let Live!

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