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  • Category: Winner Announcements

    Super Contributor Awards August 2016 - Article section Winners (Revised)

    Hi Techies,

    With reference to our earlier announcement on Super Contributor Awards from Techulator - here are the results of the super contributor award for the Month of August 2016 for Article / Resource section!

    The Super Contributors for Article section are:
    1. Timmappa Kamat
    2. Anwesha
    3. Ankit
    Congratulation to all the super contributors on this great achievement. Super contributors are going to receive an award as per announcement (above first link), in addition to the normal cash and revenue share member receive for posting resources in the Article section.

    Keep continue to contribute in this section to become winners. All the best.

    (Note: Revised / updated).
  • #24460
    Congratulation to Timmappa, Ankit and Anwesha. It's been a good month for all you three in Articles Section. Keep contributing to the website. And stay active as it gives us inspiration.


  • #24466
    Article section is the one and only section that kept its momentum this month. There were indeed some great pieces of write ups that would definitely have helped most of our visitors. Thank you Hafeez for the quicker announcement.

    Congratulations Ankit and Anwesha for the achievement. Keep up the good work and keep the site alive.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #24472
    Thank you Timmappa and Mahesh for the encouragement. Congratulations to Timmappa and Ankit for winning the award once again.
    This time winning the award was really beyond my expectation as there were quite a number of good articles submitted by many members.

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