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  • Category: Google Search Engine

    Google decides to crack down on Mobile sites with Obstructive ads - how will it affect you?

    Google has decided to crack down on the mobile sites that have obstructive ads. In a recent move that would become effective from January, 2017 - Google has decided to take stringent action on those sites which come up with ads that overlap or hide the main content of the web page.

    The ads which will need the users to click or tap on the close button to be able to view the main page would be treated as being obstructive. That would make all those sites that bring up pop up ads not abiding by the guidelines. Such sites would be ranked lower in the search rankings.

    How will this affect the bloggers and website owners? Already affected by the AdBlockers and such, what effect will it have on the earning prospects of a blogger?

    I would welcome Techians to come up with their views on the same.
  • #24445
    I am a bit surprised to this move considering some of the google's own ads are being intrusive. I mean if you check that full page ads that is being added in many sites. I wonder if the google is penalizing their own product. They did that few times back in the past. But now it seems today they are doing the same like they did with SEO changes.

    No doubt those popups for the email marketing and ads were bad for users. But considering the growth of the people who are not interested in paying for stuff online. it makes sense for the advertisers to come up with such bad ad designs. And also this is going to make many site move onto other options. Maybe this change will make many sites go premium so that way many users would need to pay for the content.

    I am guessing this is one way for improving user experience as well as an alarm sign for publishers to find other ways to monetize the content.

  • #24446
    Moreover, Google has also decided to do away with the Mobile Friendly that appears in Google search results. The reason being put forward is that almost all the sites are mobile friendly. And as such the tags will make it cluttered.
    Live....and Let Live!

  • #26986
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