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  • Category: Other Browsers

    Orkut engineer released 'Hello' network

    Turkish Software Engineer Orkut Buyukkokten who once launched well known Orkut social network has again recently launched a new social network called 'hello'. It has both the access like Desktop and App for Smartphone. However, will it become popular social network as same as Orkut?
  • #24406
    Google seems to be looking forward to take hold of social network sites genre. It should be remembered that its attempt with Orkut had miserably failed. Hello seems to be a renowned attempt at doing it. It has been stated that Hello is backed by Google.
    But, there seems to be a feeling of ambiguity here. The service is being rolled out in phases. Initial release has been in US, Canada, Britain, France, Australia, Brazil and Ireland followed by Mexico, India and Germany.
    By the way, I would remind you all that we had seen the launch of Ello - a new social network in 2014. Though the network had initial success, the service faded out soon. I would just hope to see that fate would be different for Hello.

    By the way, the developer had a dig at Facebook with his comment the the network works with love, not likes.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #24407
    Orkut seems to be launching a very good product here. I checked the video demo of the product. The recommendation engine is definitely something many social networks lack. Considering orkut created concepts of groups and pages in past, it seems hello has best of these two in it.

    The UI part of the Hello is definitely something good compared to most of the social network app UI we have in the industry. Another important thing is as Orkut is approaching this project solo, he's taking on investors. And unlike last time's lack of investors made him to sold out to Google. I think this time he got investors onboard earlier.

    Also it seems this time monetization plan is also strong. I am thinking that orkut is definitely upto something here interesting with hello app. Looking for final release of Hello in India.

  • #24418
    In fact many liked Orkut social network and it was unfortunate to lose it due to various changes, updates and trends and on. The new 'hello' from Engineer Orkut seems can possibly rule on Smartphone device only than desktop / laptop system. Let us see how its take off.

  • #24419
    It is definitely expected to take off quite well as it plans to bring up the like minded people alone together ( as the things stand today) rather than coming up with friend suggestion on any Tom, Dick and Harry - it should be a good proposition.

    Moreover, it is more about love you share rather than the likes you get - as Orkut has stated in his blog. So, it seems to be doing something really specific. Things would be clear only after the actual launch of the service in India. Till then, keep your fingers crossed.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #24421
    App only approach makes it better like Instagram. Instagram doesn't have the interest filtering though and often a lot of recommendations are cluttered. This is where hello can be good.

    The interest being filtered on Hello is something many won't get at first. Because with twitter and facebook allows globalized visibility for some. But in case of Hello the interests are filtered. This is something good for creative people to reach people they wish to. And it'd be harder for some people who want to reach generalized list of users. So it's like hashtag but with better filtering.

    I am guessing that this social network concept will be favorite among people such as photographers, film makers, artists, cartoonist etc. They can find better reach with this.

  • #24423
    The control to curate content on the news feed depends solely on the user in this app. That should make it a good choice as it will do away the needless feeds storming your newsfeed.

    Another good point with the new social network is the gamification it offers. The app will feature leaderboards. Based on what and how you contribute the Hello community, you will accrue points. The points can later be redeemed for gifts and rewards.

    The app is said to be receiving poor ratings on Android app store. Nothing can be said as yet since the app is still ti launch in India. If poor ratings are any reason for concern, there may be reasons for worry. However, the same reports also suggest that the ratings on Apple app stores is quite good.

    Let us hope that the app will launch soon so that we can get a first hand experience of the same.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #24425
    We have still poor connectivity issue in India (except some corporate one that gives around 100MBPS average speed) so we can't always see that any tech / app launches should match the users from our country to be success.

    There is an app called Snapchat which is huge success across Europe, Middle East, USA and Far East etc. except few countries like ours, the reason is one shall have high speed connectivity for Snapchat app which we lack over here. It doesn't mean Snapchat is failure, in fact it is huge success globally and even many Indians still doesn't know about it nor can use it anytime soon unless we get high speed net connectivity, or we can use it in corporate connectivity only at this time.

    The twitter, FB, Whatsapp, Insta and all just matching poor net connectivity too, so, no issue on them. Hello social network may be needed high speed net connectivity (including filtering / feasibility across) as same as Snapchat to get most features benefit out of it.


  • #24426
    I don't think connectivity would be much of an issue for hello. It takes same amount of connectivity as the Instagram does. It processes equal or more amount of requests for processing user interaction. It's just that it collects more user interaction with the app. So I am guessing they are storing gesture and whisper API data on device. And with connectivity available they use that. So I don't think bandwidth is an issue for most of the apps who are trying to acquire data.

    As the app itself is curating the content with algorithm, it'd however taking more long time for acquiring users. The reason being the app has too much clutter and too many features for now. I think the gamification is something they should be introducing later parts of the social network. As the gamification is more fictional in nature than real data, it'd not be attractive for users who can see the less transparency in that.

    I am however interested in this social network though, as it has some potential. This social network can be useful in finding like minded people something other social networks lack. Hope it turns out good.

  • #24428
    Orkut was actually India's most favourite social network. Google's unique network ( at that time) was much welcomed in Brazil and India. It has been reported that it gathered over 27 million users between 2004 and 2009. Most of the members were from India and Brazil. For most of us, it was the maiden entry into the world of social networking.

    Hello appears to have brought with it some of those unique features. The app has gone live on Play Store when I checked it just now. I ma download it over this week and try to have a feel of how it works. As stated before, I would just hope to see it not following the path of Ello, which began a promising journey and then died.

    I would think Hello should be able to bring a social change for the obvious reasons.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #24430
    Prior to orkut most of the indians like me were using myspace, IRC and Groups. All of those are still alive but not many people hang out on them as they are very slow.

    Orkut started from Brazil and then entered India. It entered in US after Google acquisition and Orkut's entry into europe market. Till then others were spending time on myspae and facebook. So for orkut to survive under only two countries revenue was hard. And google didn't anticipated that before acquiring the project from Orkut. And after acquisition orkut stopped pushing innovation to that social network too. He just became red tape employee.

    In case of Hello, he has complete control over concepts to push into the social network. He has lot of time to do all the experimentation before he gets acquired once again. I am hoping that if any big VC enters the space now, then things this time would change again. Lot of things to look forward too but its 2016. So things change very quickly than they did in 2006-2008 during orkut's early years.

  • #27378
    The Hello network was launched by Orkut engineer Orkut Büyükkökten, a social networking platform that connects people based on shared interests and passions. It focuses on meaningful connections by bringing users together into communities called "personas." Hello emphasizes positivity and shared experiences over traditional social networking.

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