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  • Category: General

    Periscope and Safety

    There are some of the apps such as Periscope being used to broadcast live stream. Think of it as Skype with public view. Here anyone can see the live broadcast. They may ask question or like the person. This way the communication is one sided but still a good way to do social broadcast.

    However recently some of the periscope users are complaining about the security issue. As the broadcast is not private or limited in clear context, it becomes harder for it to use. Though there is a private broadcast option, the phone can be used to record the stream. This makes it security risk.

    Not only for business brands but also personal usage may end up avoiding such app. So I wonder why app developers have nor made the option to disable screen recording while the broadcast is in private mode.

    Do people find periscope type of apps safe for private broadcast?
  • #24344
    Isn't this issue on any private chap apps too like Skype? The other person can easily record the video by using some tool. Users take a few basic precautions like not sharing location, not posting about your broadcast on Twitter and making your feed private. Other than that I guess if you want even more protection then Periscope is not the app you are looking for. In those scenarios it is better I believe to use video chatting tools like Skype or Hangout.

  • #24349
    I do think that the risk you mentioned is inherent in almost all such chat apps out there. Only option would be to take care not to share much of your confidential information. You can ensure your safety by opting for some precautionary measures like

    1. Avoid sharing your location. Remove direct references to your location landmarks even in your videos.

    2. Use the option for private broadcast. Private broadcasts allow only the people who have been invited to join you.

    3. Use chat restriction.

    4. Avoid sharing your chat via Twitter.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #24354
    Yes that is true that using skype and hangout is good option. However such private chat may also leak due to security issues. So that is pretty common among all the apps. And in that case one on one way of communication is the solution for this. I agree on location sharing part. That can be troublesome too.

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