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  • Category: Club House Discussion

    How exactly is the working atmosphere of a Content writer?

    I have seen a few companies asking for the content writers for websites and blogs. I recently happened to have a look at such an ad in the newspaper.

    How exactly do these content providers work on their tasks? Do they need to have the knowledge of high end technologies like CSS? How do they deliver a content? The ad was for a full time content writer. What are the pay scales available for such writers?

    Learned experts from within the field may be in a better position to explain the exact working conditions for a full time content writer in an organisation.
  • #24257
    My room mate works as a Content writer for Aptana. Their work flow was like content writers were asked to write for multiple writing projects. Initially the writing was about specific topics related to tech. Such as project documentation, project life cycle documents etc. Also scribe and author work in quality assurance. So the environment was lively yet a lot of work to do.

    Later he tackled advertising niche. And the projects were related to copy writing. The tasks for the writing are given based on the client. CSS is not high end sklll but very basic and so does XML. Both of these skills are required if you're working on content deployment. In case of ebook based content writing jobs, you'd need those skills like conversion of file into epub and mobi.

    My friend got paid initially 28K during the first 2 years. On third year he got increment and salary was revised to 35K. And now after 6 years, i am guessing he's into this company around 6 or so depending on his priorities and other skills being shifted. At the max the salary may go upto 70K and not more than that unless the person moves to managing position.

  • #24261
    That was indeed a good in depth information. I guess you need to have a good flair for writing to begin with. The associated finer details can be learnt slowly. Thank you for those insightful details.
    Live....and Let Live!

  • #24266
    Rs. 28K as an initial salary cannot be treated as something bad for the kind of job. Agreed - the job will need you to put in a lot hard work, but the efforts are indeed worth it.
    Live....and Let Live!

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