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  • Category: Club House Discussion

    Self driven cars - what does the future hold for us?

    Google has been working with the idea of self driven cars since long. There had been expectations about some major announcements in that connection in the just concluded Google I/O 2016, but nothing concrete could materialise.
    It is worth noting that Fiat Chrysler and Google have already signed a deal for manufacturing the self driven cars. It was hoped that demo versions ( at least) would be rolled out this year. However, it still seems to be a distant possibility.

    What would you think about the success of the self driven cars? Will they be able to live up to the hype being created? Will it be safe - at least in India ( given the kind of traffic here) to allow these new gen vehicles?
    Share your views so that we can have a fulfilling discussion about the new vehicular technology.
  • #24190
    Self driven cars can be really good on highway and roads where the traffic harder and not effectively managed. However I think time has yet to come for the self driven cars in India. The reason being the control given to the machine can't be reliable, no matter how much more safe they drive. A small error can cost the life immediately. And if we compare with human driving it's not going to be easy for many to have such less social driving experience.

    Another thing to note about self driven cars is that it takes away human need to drive the car. This is something many of us will miss over a period of time. That is why I find that self driven car has limited context for the future. Depending on what type of the transportation gets automated, I'd say it'd be a good option to automate some transport which can reduce human labor.

    It's too early for india though, but eventually we'll come to the stage where we need to adopt the future changes. And we can't just protest against it. It'd be a good option for some transport to be automated.

  • #24191
    Self driven vehicles can be a reason for misuse too. I do not think time is ripe yet in India, or elsewhere for opting for those automated vehicles. The possibilities of accidents would be more as Mahesh has pointed out above.
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