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  • Category: Suggestions and Feedback

    Very much disappointed with editing of resources

    Few of my resources are pending from last 10 days. Very disappointing for a writer and I guess I would not like contributing anymore content here now.
  • #24146
    It has been quite unforeseen to see such delay in getting the articles reviewed. Maybe there could be a shortage of editors. Normally the articles do get reviewed by weekend.
    Kindly have some patience. Hope your articles will be reviewed soon.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #24147
    We all are in the same boat Krishna. But you know, things get cleared anyway by the month end here in Techulator.
    So we all are waiting for our queues to be cleared. Previously even I used to be frustrated with such delays, but it feels good when they get approved at the end of a prolonged waiting.
    Hope things would clear up within a couple of days.

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