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  • Category: General

    Nominated as Member Rank #50

    Today Morning I logged in on Techulator and surprised when I see my profile.
    Thanks to Techulator
  • #24138
    Congratulations on achieving a member rank under 50. The member rank does change every Sunday. Keep contributing with the same zeal and achieve more success.
    However, do not pay over attention to the member rank or the points tally. Concentrate on maintaining quality level in your contributions. It will definitely go a long way in establishing yourself as one of the great contributors here.

    Congrats again and good luck!

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #24139
    Thanks, Timmappa
    I don't know that every Sunday rank change.
    Thanks for that information, looking forward to learning more from you guys.

  • #24164
    Congrats Nikunj for achieving under 50 rank in such a short time. We hope to see more valuable contribution from you on Techulator.

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