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  • Category: General

    Have you ever experienced virtual reality?

    Virtual reality is a trending topic in the smartphone world. There are many companies entered into the field of virtual reality. The technology is in it's initial stage only and there are lot of investment and research going on this field. There are number of virtual reality headset available in the market from various brands with various features. Many new high smartphone included the virtual reality technology in their devices.
    Does anyone experienced virtual reality here? How it is like wearing a virtual reality headset? How comfortable it is to wear a virtual reality headset? Please share your virtual experience if anyone came through such devices.
  • #23822
    We are being sold 3D gear in the name of virtual reality.

    The virtual reality gears usually allow you to give you placement within the 3D environment. However those gears are in ideal form. In reality the current implemented headset and gears are practically 3D improvement. They don't feel like virtual reality. Even occulus rift looks more or less like a 3D ride in Imagica or similar other place.

    I used the VR Gear while playing the Alien Isolation at one of the company promo for their VR gear in a expo. The experience was like watching Godzilla type of movie. You don't feel like much of Virtual reality there.

    In my opinion, VR is yet to be real product in it's current state. We are just seeing modified 3D product being sold in the name of VR. In order for VR to work perfectly things have to be properly designed in terms of graphics to experience.

    VR and 3D gears are also not comfortable for the eyes. After some time they strain your eyes. And the amount of flashy stuff used could also make you feel a bit nausea there. I'd say VR and 3D are only good for short amount of time time after that they are bad for our health.

  • #23826
    I guess the virtual reality is yet to take a real shape. I have not had any experience with the feature, but what I do feel is what has been being hyped currently is just a part of the real capability of the VR world. Virtual reality can be a boon if developed in a right perspective. It can help us achieve newer discoveries in the field of architecture, medicine and sports.
    It is quite early to go after the fad just to experience the momentary excitement.

    Live....and Let Live!

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