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  • Category: Revenue & Rewards

    Issue with Invoice Document

    When I was filling my invoice document I renamed it to my invoice id but when i uploaded back end processes automatically added invoice id in the name and now it like 3602-1-3605-invoice doc. Will it cause any issue?
  • #23691
    As I can see it from your profile page, the invoice ID for your payment is 3602. If those details are correct on the invoice document, you will not face any issue. The filename has no bearing on the payment process.
    Just make sure that the payment amount, your secret PIN and other details are correct. If you are in doubt, just download the document you have uploaded and check for any discrepancies. If there are any errors, you can resubmit the document stating the errors in the previous upload.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #23692
    Thank You Timmappa for reply and No there are no other mistakes only issue was with file name.

    Joy Joon

    I am currently pursuing High School and planning to pursue career in Computer. Currently, I work on one of my blog - JTech Articles.

  • #23693
    Then you need not worry. Your payment will be processed without any issues.
    By the way, even if there are any issues - you will get notified via the payment announcement page (the page on which you submit the invoice).

    Live....and Let Live!

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