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    What is the meaning of runtime error?

    What is the meaning of runtime error?
  • #2739

    Runtime error means the error will occur while running a application or software. There are 2 types of error. One is 'Compile time' error and another is 'Run Time' error. Compile time error will occur when the application or software is build or when you compile the software using the compiler.

    Run time error may occur due to many reasons

  • It indicates a bug in the application

  • The required memory to run the application is not enough

  • A virus may cause the run time error to the application

  • A conflict with other software may be the previous version of the same software or the software requires a file that is used by some other application

  • D.Jeya Kumar(JK)

  • #2832

    The run time error occurs during the time of execution of your program whereas the compiler errors occurs during the compilation of the program, It is difficult to remove this errors because it requires extra effort from the user to remove it in comparison with the compile error.

    For example, we have write a program in which execution error is difficult to know as it is time consuming for the user to search the error because no special provision is there for judging the execution error.

    Chirag Sachdeva

  • #2841
    Hello Brajamohan panda,

    A runtime error is a computer error that appears in the form of a message box.It consists of a code along with its corresponding definitions.

    Sometime it is called as DLL file error.I have seen runtime error as microsoft visual C++ runtime error and which always has a root from 'c' drive.

    Best of luck

  • #2891
    Hi Brajamohan,

    Prior to explaining about run time error I would like to define what is runtime.

    Runtime is generally the time for which an application is running or executing.

    The run time error generally comes up after the installation of a particular software or during the installation of a software or a program. This occurs not only during or after the installation but also can occur during or after copying the particular item.

    Runtime errors are also known as dll errors. These run time errors are generally thrown due to logical or arithmetical problems.

    Apart from these there are few more reasons that lead to runtime errors.

    1)Installing some types of add-ons or plugins.

    2)Virus attacks that change our system settings.

    3) The program that has been opened for running conflicts with the existing programs running.

    4) Rarely due to hardware issues.


  • #2908
    Hello Brajamohan panda,

    Runtime error is nothing but a bug that occurs either during the installation process or when the program is running in a live system execution environment.

    It's because of low memory in RAM,or Process may be blocked in the that Running program needs the memory resources and system resources.

    But These Resources are not available or blocked means the Run time error occurs.

    When you next time Run these program,it would run normally.or you may need to Restart the system for proper system resources.

    Tech News and more...

  • #3576

    Run time error is an error that occurs while running a software application. an example of Runtime error is 'division by zero'. If you divide something by zero as a part of your code, this will generate a run time error while running that software application.


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